This is a great fan poster! The New Moon Poster is really boring. I personally love the one above. The characters in the wolf face. So cool.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
New Moon Fan Posters Rock
This is a great fan poster! The New Moon Poster is really boring. I personally love the one above. The characters in the wolf face. So cool.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Stephanie Meyer is Up For A British Book Award
Stephanie is up for Borders Author of the Year and Children's Book of the Year
Vote for your favourite books and authors of the year and win £200 of National Book Tokens
BOOK lovers everywhere are in eager anticipation to see who will triumph in the battle for the best books of the year. The shortlists for this year’s Galaxy British Book Awards, to be shown on Watch TV on Sunday 5th April, provide much food for thought. Will the leader of the free world be the Author of the Year? Will Dawn French trump Paul O’Grady to win Biography of the Year? Who is the most popular fiction author, Marian Keyes or Cecelia Ahern? And who will win the prestigious Richard and Judy Best Read of the Year Award?
The Galaxy Book of the year will be determined by an elite and bi-partisan chapter of the Academy of the British Book Industry during the week beginning 30th March 2009. The shortlist for this award is made up from the elected winners of the following categories: Borders Author of the YearWaterstone's New Writer of the Year
BooksDirect Crime Thriller of the Year Popular Non-Fiction Book of the Year
Sainsbury’s Popular Fiction Book of the Year
Tesco Biography of the Year.
Help make these decisions by voting for your favourite books and authors of the year now, and you could win £200 of Book Tokens too.
Take A Number Ryan!!!!
Duh! Who doesn't have a crush on Rob???? Obviously, it was tongue in cheek but....
While promoting his new flick, 'Adventureland,' Ryan Reynolds declared his love for the 'Twilight' star. "Robert Pattinson in a word: dreamy ... Look, I'm not gay -- but I'm thinking about it," he joked to MTV. Although he was obviously kidding, Reynolds was honest about one thing: He would love to star in a movie with the fictional vampire.
Personally, now I would love to see Ryan's wife Scarlett Johnson and Rob in a movie together. Wonder what Ryan would think about that???
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
'New Moon:' Expectations & Reservations About The 'Twilight' Sequel
With this past weekend's release of the DVD Twilight, starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, several fans are already looking ahead to the future of the incredible series by Stephenie Meyer. Certain fans (myself included) believe that New Moon was their least favorite out of the four books, so we have high expectations to make this movie shine (like Edward!).
Cutting Down the Length
Many fans criticized the book for being too long. There were several pages that could've been eliminated. Ok, Bella misses Edward. We get it. Let's not have Bella dwell so heavily on his absence. We need to see that she misses Edward and that he truly was what she wanted, but not to an obnoxious degree. Personally, I think it will be interesting to see how director Chris Weitz will handle Edward's voice cautioning Bella in her head when she tries her stunts.
Jacob's Overconfidence
The one aspect of this book that made it unique and moved the overall story forward was how Bella's relationship with Jacob grew in Edward's absence. She didn't know whether or not Edward would ever return and began to believe that she should allow herself some slice of happiness through someone else. One thing I do not want to see, however, is Jacob's arrogant overconfidence. Never before "New Moon" have we seen Jacob be so forward and sure of himself. He used to be shy and quiet around Bella, just happy to be in her presence. In "New Moon," however, he became someone who wasn't afraid to say how he felt and what he wanted, even if Bella didn't necessarily want to hear it. This was not the Jacob I had gotten to know in "Twilight." As a friend, that kind of behavior can be good, even helpful, but we all know that friendship was not what Jacob was after. Let's try to tone his attitude down and just make his "sureness" amusing instead of annoying.
The Volturi
I want the scene in Italy with the Volturi to be KILLER! This group of centuries-old vampires are what the "Twilight" series is basically all about. Bella should not know about vampires, but she does. Her knowledge of the Cullens goes against the "Vampire Code," and it makes this new portion of the plot that much more dangerous and exciting. I want to know exactly how dark some of these vampires are, and I want the Volturi to make James look like Barney. The introduction of these "keepers of the vampire secret" should really be something incredible to give us more to look forward to in "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn."
That being said, I am sure plenty of Twi-hards will be plenty happy just to have the film finally out. As long as there aren't any drastic changes in cast (which almost ALWAYS throws off the chemistry among the actors), and the story stays true to the book, I am sure that the film itself will please many. Just try not to move the release date back from November 20, 2009. A year from the "Twilight" release date is already plenty long to wait!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Vampire Kiss
Hey, check out the end....does Edward grab Bella's boob???
Twilight Sells Over 3 Million on Day 1
Summit Entertainment announced today that Twilight sold over 3 million DVD units in its first day of release.
Los Angeles, CA March 22, 2009 – Summit Entertainment announced today that the home entertainment release of the studio’s action-packed, modern day vampire love story TWILIGHT sold over 3 million DVD units in its first day of release. The DVD launch commenced this past Saturday morning at midnight with nationwide events during which time Summit and its retail partners provided TWILIGHT fans with the chance to celebrate the DVD release of the film. “TWILIGHT at Midnight” allowed participating retailers the opportunity to stay open late as fans lined up in impressive numbers to purchase the DVD of the epic romance at midnight parties.
Thousands of TWILIGHT fans across the nation participated in the “TWILIGHT at Midnight” event and some were surprised by filmmaker and cast appearances. 2,500 fans attended in Salt Lake City to see Rachelle Lefevre who plays Victoria; 2,000 showed up in Los Angeles to see Ashley Greene who plays Alice Cullen; over 1,000 fans came out to see director Catherine Hardwicke in Dallas; 700 fans lined up in New York for Edi Gathegi who plays Laurent; and 500 fans in Chicago saw Nikki Reed who plays Rosalie Hale.
With over 3 million DVD units sold, TWILIGHT enters the top five best first day DVD releases over the past two years along with PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD’S END, THE DARK KNIGHT, HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, and TRANSFORMERS.
Summit Entertainment’s Co-Chairmen Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger stated, “The Saturday release in conjunction with the groundbreaking retail events across the country have proven to be overwhelmingly successful which in turn benefited TWILIGHT fans as well as our retail partners. Home Entertainment President Steve Nickerson, the home entertainment group and the entire family at Summit are to be commended for the conceptualization and execution of this unique approach.”
“We are incredibly appreciative that TWILIGHT fans came out to once again support this film at our midnight events across the nation,” said Steve Nickerson, Summit’s President of Home Entertainment. “With such a successful first day sales, it is apparent that our fans remain passionate about the TWILIGHT SAGA and want to own a piece of the Edward and Bella story they have come to love. We look forward to the continued success for both the home entertainment and retail sales of this property as a whole.”
TWILIGHT, which was released in theatres on November 21, 2008, grossed $69.6 million domestically in its first weekend and to date had grossed nearly $380 million worldwide.
The Twilight DVD now stands as one of the top 5 highest selling first day DVD releases of all time, even surpassing last years number one DVD title The Dark Knight which sold just under 3 million.
Was there any doubt???!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Getting Ready To Watch Twilight
I think I may have to wait until Monday night to watch it if it comes before than. My husband works on Mondays. I would feel like a total tool watching this kiddie movie with him home.
Some pictures of the movie to get ready for the release.
Is he biting her finger here?
Is this not one of the hottest scenes in the movie?
Hot! Where were the guys like this when I was in school?
Heavenly Edward in all his icy, marble hardness. Yeah baby!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Locator on WeTV
A show about reuniting family.
You can follow the Locator on Twitter too.
All New episode starting on Sat., March 21 at 9p|8c
Twilight Mania Is Crazy
I am 42 years old and totally sucked up into what I know is a made up world but hell, "if this is wrong, than baby, I don't want to be right!"
I really wish I could go to one of these midnight DVD parties.
Cash advance in hand, some of my best girlfriends, a limo and some that sounds like a friggin blast that I so need!!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Border's Twilight Release Party Information
Join us the evening of Friday, March 20, at 10:00 PM your time to celebrate the release of Twilight on DVD. We'll play some vampire baseball trivia (complete, of course, with lightning round), announce the winners of our Twilight Movie Awards, and even dish out a prize or two as we await the midnight release.
Come in costume. Bring a friend. Be the Bella the ball.
Learn more:
Download your Twilight Movie Awards ballot:
Find a Borders near you:
From the Ballot - Which quote is your favorite?
- “You are my life now.” (Edward)
- “What if I’m not the hero? What if I’m the bad guy?” (Edward)
- “Oh, she does smell good!” (Alice)
- “You brought a snack.” (James)
- “How you likin’ the rain, girl?” (Mike Newton)
- “Your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash.” (Bella)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Ghost Whisper Stars Confirm Romance
Jaime Kennedy confirmed on Ryan Seacrest's morning show, “On-Air With Ryan Seacrest that he and Jennifer Love or "Love as her friends call her" Hewitt are indeed an item.
No there are not engaged a nod to Twilight....he said,
“We have an intense connection,” he said, adding, “She’s my Bella.”
He also said, “If a person ever had everything, it’s Love,” he said. “She’s so talented, she can sing, she can dance, and she’s hilarious. And hot. "
“You can’t plan it… Here’s somebody that breathes life into you in a new way and that’s what she does for me.”
Sweet that he is likening himself to Edward. Jennifer is hot but Jaime is no Edward.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Yo, Check out Taylor
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Allison Iraheta - "Give It to Me"
American Idol 2009
Here he is doing Black & White by Michael Jackson.
Here he is singing one of my favorite songs from Kansas.
Actor/Singer Adam Lambert in a scene from the Ten Commandements
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What's New At Amazon - Playmobil's Newest Additions

Playmobil's New Line Of Toys At Amazon
Pirates, Knights, Police, Farm, Airport, Construction, and many more. And for an even greater value, many Playmobil toys are now eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping (restrictions apply) and Amazon Prime(TM) (restrictions apply).
Explorer a world of imagination with Playmobil.
Pearls of the Internet - Daughters.Com
A Website for all your Daughter questions.
With its rich history of creating groundbreaking communities for girls with New Moon Girls magazine and the online community, New Moon Girl Media has created, the only one-stop shop on the Web for parents, grandparents and caregivers of girls.
Key elements of include:
- Ask the Experts” Forum: Submit questions on parenting girls to New Moon Girl Media’s Expert Advisory Board
- Parent to Parent” Discussion Board where parents, grandparents and caregivers of girls meet up, connect with and support one another on a vast array of issues
- Fully-searchable collection of more than 250 articles written by the top experts on raising girls
- Parenting Daughters Expert blogs by me and Joe Kelly of “Dads & Daughters®”
Monday, March 9, 2009
Melissa Rycroft is the 13th Member of DWTS
I am beyond excited for Melissa.
If you don't know who Melissa is than you have been living in a cave.
Melissa is the girl who the current bachelor dumped on national TV last week.
America is in love with Melissa and I personally wish her luck as she starts the next stage of her life.
Go Melissa, I may have to vote for the first time. She has been dancing forever, so hopefully she won't suck.
Potty Dance Contest - Win a 6 Month Supply of Pull Ups & Wipes
In conjunction with the Potty Dance, PULL-UPS® and M80 is hosting a contest called, The Potty Training Nightmare. All you have to do is tell us a comical story (which may have happened to you, a friend, or a family member) about a time when a child’s potty training took a turn for the worse.
Post the story on your blog (here is my potty training story written in my 2 year old's voice back in 2005) and let us know by commenting here so we can read your story and enter you into the sweepstakes.
The grand prize is a six-month supply (6 packages) of Pull-Ups and wipes.
Good luck and we can’t wait to read your stories!
For more of my potty stories go here , here, here, and here. I am so glad to be done with the potty stories.The sweepstakes ends March 31st.
You SO Need Dentyne!!!!!!
I must admit, while the people thing has never happened to me, I have seen a few squirrels give the universal sign for choking, before scurrying off when I sit on the deck.
Oh, I am so embarrassed. I had no idea I had this "blog smog" thing!
No one told me! What kind of friends are you anyway???
I am putting this on my birthday wish list.
Save Big On Your Favorite DVD's
Amazon is having a huge sale on DVD's.
Save Now!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dancing With The Stars I So Done
They don't have a celebrity on that made me want to watch although I have felt that way in the past and eventually watched.
This year they were trying to get new buzz by bringing on "for the first time" a husband and wife competing against each other in the form of Jewel and her "rodeo star" husband Ty Murray. I so don't care about those two and it to hear every commercial mention the fact hurt my eyes. I spent so much time rolling my eyes that if I end up with some sort of vision problem ABC will be getting my medical bill.
Now, that whole thing is in the shitter because Jewel has a fractured tibia in both legs and has dropped out along with Nancy O'Dell (another person that I could care less to watch dance), who has torn knee cartilage.
Oh well....Que sera sera....
Taking over one of the vacated spots is Holly Madison, ex-number one girl of Hugh Hefner and ex girlfriend in a long line of girls for hottie, Criss Angel.
As for the other seat, it has not been disclosed yet.
Celebrity couples I would like to see on Dancing with the Stars competing against each other:
Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore - I know they are busy but who wouldn't want to see them dancing?
Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones - I always liked them. She is attractive and has danced and we need an older dude.
Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick - After losing their retirement money in a scandal they could use the mula.
Howard Stern & Beth Ostrosky - I have no doubt Howard could handle the gruelling schedule. He made a movie and did his radio show. Imagine how funny Howard would look trying to master those moves. I would love to see him waiting for the judges reactions and scores. If he was on I would want him teamed with Edyte.
Faith Hill & Tim McGraw - Now this is a couple I would like to see. He's hot, she's hot what else do you need?
Antonio Bandaras and Melanie Griffin - Don't they always have a big lipped women competing?
Freddie Prinze & Sara Michelle Geller - Are they doing anything else right now?
Josh Duhamel & Fergie - They just got married in January. This may be the last thing they do before they divorce.
Seal & Heidi Klume - Dude, who doesn't want to see Seal, in a tight, rhinestone, dancing ensemble?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My Newest Favorite Song
This is not what I expected this dude to look like. First, I wasn't even sure if this was a dude singing. But the dude in my mind was a scrawny, white boy with straight, jet black hair.
What song is in your head these days?
Buy the album by pressing the button below
Buy the MP3 here
Lyrics for Angels on the Moon
Do you dream, that the world will know your name
So tell me your name
Do you care, about all the little things or anything at all?
I wanna feel, all the chemicals inside I wanna feel
I wanna sunburn, just to know that I'm alive
To know I'm alive
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
Do you believe, in the day that you were born
Tell me do you believe?
Do you know, that everyday's the first of the rest of your life
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
This is to one last day in the shadows
And to know a brother's love
This is to New York City angels
And the rivers of our blood
This is to all of us, to all of us
Don't tell me if I'm dying, cause I don't wanna know
If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go
Don't wake me cause I'm dreaming, of angels on the moon
Where everyone you know, never leaves too soon
You can tell me all your thoughts, about the stars that fill polluted skies
And show me where you run to, when no one's left to take your side
But don't tell me where the road ends, cause I just don't wanna know, No I don't wanna know
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
Don't tell me if I'm dying
She Couldn't Make Pigs Flying Out of My Ass Exciting!
This sounds boring as hell. I don't know anyone who will want this game.
So sexist too...interpersonal questions for girls to ask each other. I know 3 guys who have read the book and enjoyed it.
Just another way for someone to make money off of Stephanie Meyer.
How Cute is This
Get away from the everyday stress and get a smile on your face with the Boobie squeeze ball by California Exotic. This fun and colorful squeeze ball has a nipple tip that makes the toy look like a big boob. And what fights stress better than a good big juicy boob? A great accessory to play around with after a hard day at the work.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Chris Harrison Blogs After the Rose
Want to know what happened behind the scenes at the Bachelor?
Read host Chris Harrison's blog entry here.
Reality Steve's blog entry about his theory on the Bachelor is even more interesting. I think Steve is most likely right but hey what do I know? Read his tidbit here.
My girlfriend Teresa and I signed off on the bachelor years ago yet here we are watching this crap again. T, I think we should have stuck with our original plan. NO MORE BACHELOR. You with me?
Monday, March 2, 2009
15% of Erotic Items
Ladies, are you looking for something sensual to watch with your man? How about Zazel?
A Beautiful, Artistic, Erotic Movie
reveal sensual and erotic encounters in a multitude of forms.