Woohoo a new queer night that sounds like it's gonna be good to go to outwith the mainstream of polo/Bennets and up the dodgy end of town in the Flying Duck next door to what used to be the STV television studios they seem to aiming for a mainly student crowd what with them all starting uni at this time which is no bad thing but just hope it also attracts a few of us that remember the music and style first time around. The venue itself is a great location for this type of night as the Flying Duck is unique in the fact that it's not like your average club it has been made to look like someones flat that you have been invited to for a party with free toast thrown in. Details on what to expect and links can be found below. |
Blitz is a new queercentric club night hitting Glasgow this October. HOMO HETERO FUN |
Welcome to the birth of BLITZ. A queercentric disco of homo hetero fun. Its the mixtape that you always wanted your boyfriend/girlfriend to give you in high school but they never did...because they were a twat. But you had nothing in common so its fine! We're the dumpster baby of Blondie and Boy George, if they had used a turkey baster. We're playing music you can sing to, so for god sake fucking sing like you're on Top of the Pops when it was still culturally relevant. It's all 80's/90's alt pop, some New Romantic, some New Wave, and a bit of indie dance. Kiss someone of the same sex if you want to, you are in uni, it's time! |
http://www.flyingduckclub.com/ Just need to figure out an outfit suitable enough I'm thinking double denim early 80s madonna style like she wore back in 82 well before Rihanna did on her recent single cover have you seen it? But then again I haven't decided as I feel the whole denim thing is getting tired. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions then please feel free to let me know. |
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