Friday, April 30, 2010
Open Question: Geico added a person to my account without my permission.?
I asked for an insurance QUOTE to add my nephew who might be moving here. So when I completed the QUOTE I said he lived here because IF he moves here he might live here. I just wanted to know what it was going to cost me to insure him if he in fact did reside here. Because I answered that he lived here they automatically added him to my account and it went up 200+ dollars a month. Now they
Open Question: What can I do if 2 insurance companies each say the other is responsible to pay my claim so they both deny it?
I live in California, btw. So what happened is that I was taken off work due to extreme stress. There was no doubt that I really needed time off and was having a lot of physical and emotional symptoms due to the stress. It was mostly work-related, and I was taken off for almost three months. Even the man who interviewed me from the worker's comp insurance company agreed that the conditions
WEE (:
sorry for not posting for such a long time >: <
yesterday went to primary school.
had fun (:
had exams yesterday.
english compo+situational. it sucks.
i hope i passed ):
cause i have a feeling i will do badly D:
and, the art thingy.
dont understand lorhs.
the teacher keep talking -.-
k, shall post loads of pictures (:

Crystal draw de (: tyvm :D

Mummeh laughing :x

Ah girl :x


Granny with her granddaughter (: lols :x

My food :3 (before)

My food :3 (after)

Ahgirl's food (: (before)

Ahgirl's food (: (after)

Mummeh's pathetic dessert :x (before)

Mummeh's pathetic dessert :x (after)

LMAO ! ><

Chloe's food (before)

Chloe's food (after)

Disgusting :X a mixture soup of everything. *bleah*
NOTE: dont vomit :x

other table we "booked"

ahgirl stepped :X

disgusting bits of gummy :x
mummeh laughed and the gummies flew out
*nice description right?* LMAO :X

the job of me+mummeh :P

shyshy beibei :x

permission :x

Dont be greedy (: lol

left ahgir'l's.
right mine :X
see the difference :/

Me, (:
Credits: ahgirl (: tyvm, <3
k (: thats all :D bbye
sorry for not posting for such a long time >: <
yesterday went to primary school.
had fun (:
had exams yesterday.
english compo+situational. it sucks.
i hope i passed ):
cause i have a feeling i will do badly D:
and, the art thingy.
dont understand lorhs.
the teacher keep talking -.-
k, shall post loads of pictures (:
Crystal draw de (: tyvm :D
Mummeh laughing :x
Ah girl :x
Granny with her granddaughter (: lols :x
My food :3 (before)
My food :3 (after)
Ahgirl's food (: (before)
Ahgirl's food (: (after)
Mummeh's pathetic dessert :x (before)
Mummeh's pathetic dessert :x (after)
LMAO ! ><
Chloe's food (before)
Chloe's food (after)
Disgusting :X a mixture soup of everything. *bleah*
NOTE: dont vomit :x
other table we "booked"
ahgirl stepped :X
disgusting bits of gummy :x
mummeh laughed and the gummies flew out
*nice description right?* LMAO :X
the job of me+mummeh :P
shyshy beibei :x
permission :x
Dont be greedy (: lol
left ahgir'l's.
right mine :X
see the difference :/
Me, (:
Credits: ahgirl (: tyvm, <3
k (: thats all :D bbye
Open Question: i am a 63 yr old vietnam vet currently on VA ins.?
under the new health care bill, will i be required to carry my own insurance policy?
Open Question: Rough renters insurance in St. Cloud MN?
Just a rough estimate of how much i will pay for renters insurance in St. Cloud Mn, by scsu. simply a rough estimate, perhaps how much you pay. please do not ask for more info. thanks
Open Question: I don't understand how PPO insurance works?
I've been looking for a new dr., as I have new insurance. I found a dr. who I would like to see but she is not listed as a ppo provider for my insurance. The dr's office is telling me that that's ok, as one of their other dr's is a covering provider and they can just bill under her, although I would be seeing the other dr. Does that make sense? I just get nervous I'll get bills with things not
Open Question: UK buildings insurance for house under construction?
I have purchased offplan a new house. Now the roof and walls are on. The mortgage people want me to take out buildings insurance at this stage. I cannot find any company or broker who take this on.
Open Question: Does State Farm Insurance drug test for internships?
I applied for an internship for the summer and was wondering if they always do a drug test. Please don't say well you shouldn't be doing drugs etc., you don't know me.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Open Question: I'm looking to start a small Title search company. How much can I expect to pay for the insurance?
I have hear that errors and omissions and bonding insurances are required?
Open Question: can they really charge me this much for a nebulizer?
i took my son to the pediatrician about a month ago. he already uses inhalers for allergy induced asthma. they said he needed something stronger. a nebulizer. i said ok do i just get one at the pharmacy or do i call my insurance. she (nurse) said no we will give you one here and the billing/insurance people will be in in just a few minutes to get you setup. i asked but how much will this cost
Open Question: Will i be able to sue for this?
Ok heres the story i was on my bike and i saw the light turn red so that i can cross so when i was crossing the strret a lady came around the corner and hit me now i got a crack in my knee and i tore a tissue in my knee so can you tell if i can sue and i know its mostly my dault but she didnt blow the horn or try to slow down or avoid me
Open Question: Getting phonecalls from insurance companys?
im 17 and a student and recently wanted to get my license and start driving so i went on Compare the market so i could check the prices of some insurance so i had to enter all my information just so i could simulate a quote and get a rough idea on how much it would cost after i did this i got a phonecall an hour later from someone from an insurance company i kinda panicked and put the phone
Open Question: Medical Pratice, being sued I need some opinions please!?
Assume you are the office manager for a medical practice in a small town. An insurance claims assistant leaves a completed insurance report on her desk in plain view, and a clinic visitor reads it. The visitor knows the patient listed on the insurance form and tells mutual friends of the patient's treatment. The patient threatens to sue the clinic for breach of confidentiality. Does she have a
Open Question: My friends mother died and she cant find insurance policy.?
Her uncle took the policy and he paid cash for the funeral. She is not sure what co. held the policy. Is thair any way to find out any info. Thanks
Open Question: What is the minimum amount of time a claimant has to be employed in order to meet eligibility standards?
If I only worked for a period of 4(four) months, am I eligible for unemployment benefits?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Open Question: How Much Would Insurance Be For A New 18Yr. Old Driver?
I just bought my first car ((Yey)) and at the moment I am 18. I turn 19 in a month and my car is a small 1991 Toyota Tercel. We talked to the insurance guy and they told my father & I that it's better if I am full owner of the car since if I do get into a crash it effects his insurance ((If I was under him as the owner of the car)). What am I looking at monthly?
Open Question: Can someone please give me advice on what is best: Life insurance, Annuities or Term if you're 53 years old?
I'm looking to invest in life insurance, annuIties and term insurance, mutual funds. However, I don't know where to start? How can I invest especially in annuities if I want to get a check a month in about 10 years to live on when retiring. My friend's mom invested in annuities and when she got sick at 55 years old and couldn't work she was receiving annuities check which helped out alot.Can
Open Question: Question about policy limits?
Where can I find a list of states that require companies to disclose their policy limits. I know in FL it is mandatory and in NY its not...but what about the other states? Thanks!
Silicone soul Darkroom Dubs Vol 2
Darkroom Dubs Vol. 2 - Compiled & Mixed By Silicone Soul out now...
CD & Digital Download
Mixed & Unmixed (Beatport exclusive 30 track bundle including bonus mixed version)
Silicone Soul deliver Darkroom Dubs Vol. 2 - a brooding, engaging and dynamic journey into the realms of the duos pioneering imprint with a collection of exclusive, unreleased and favourite tracks from their label. With music from Extrawelt, Timid Boy, Klartraum, Jet Project, Martinez, Jairo Catelo, Feygin, Freska, Boris Werner, Prompt, Mirror Music, Masomenos, Kevin Yost, Beat Pharmacy, Marc Poppcke, Sei A, Anthony Collins, Afrilounge, Gary Beck, Compuphonic, Liapin, Filippo Mancinelli & Allen May, Spirit Catcher & Silicone Soul themselves.
Dj Mix Tracklisting...
1.Mirror Music - Diabolus In Musica
2.Extrawelt - Tonladen
3.Klartraum - Egoismeadeux/ Ignorance
4.Martinez Monday Morning
5.Sei A - Dub For
6.Sei A - My Era
7.Silicone Soul - Dust Ballad II - Masomenos Remix
8.Silicone Soul - David Vincent's Blues - Prompt Remix
9.Silicone Soul - Language of the Soul - Nivek Tsoy Remix
10.Jet Project - Time Flies
11.Timid Boy - Bop Bap
12.Marc Poppcke - Freaks
13.Liapin - Mandan
14.Feygin - Chisel
15.Jairo Catelo - Black Soul Heroes
16.Craig Torrance & Philip Hochstrate - Surgery Successful - Boris Werner's WipWap Remix
17.Jet Project - Heads in the Clouds feat. Sei A - Silicone Soul's Darkroom Dub
18.Silicone Soul - The Hikihikishake
19.Silicone Soul - Fearmakers Dj Tool
*As posted on Soma's facebook
CD & Digital Download
Mixed & Unmixed (Beatport exclusive 30 track bundle including bonus mixed version)
Silicone Soul deliver Darkroom Dubs Vol. 2 - a brooding, engaging and dynamic journey into the realms of the duos pioneering imprint with a collection of exclusive, unreleased and favourite tracks from their label. With music from Extrawelt, Timid Boy, Klartraum, Jet Project, Martinez, Jairo Catelo, Feygin, Freska, Boris Werner, Prompt, Mirror Music, Masomenos, Kevin Yost, Beat Pharmacy, Marc Poppcke, Sei A, Anthony Collins, Afrilounge, Gary Beck, Compuphonic, Liapin, Filippo Mancinelli & Allen May, Spirit Catcher & Silicone Soul themselves.
Dj Mix Tracklisting...
1.Mirror Music - Diabolus In Musica
2.Extrawelt - Tonladen
3.Klartraum - Egoismeadeux/ Ignorance
4.Martinez Monday Morning
5.Sei A - Dub For
6.Sei A - My Era
7.Silicone Soul - Dust Ballad II - Masomenos Remix
8.Silicone Soul - David Vincent's Blues - Prompt Remix
9.Silicone Soul - Language of the Soul - Nivek Tsoy Remix
10.Jet Project - Time Flies
11.Timid Boy - Bop Bap
12.Marc Poppcke - Freaks
13.Liapin - Mandan
14.Feygin - Chisel
15.Jairo Catelo - Black Soul Heroes
16.Craig Torrance & Philip Hochstrate - Surgery Successful - Boris Werner's WipWap Remix
17.Jet Project - Heads in the Clouds feat. Sei A - Silicone Soul's Darkroom Dub
18.Silicone Soul - The Hikihikishake
19.Silicone Soul - Fearmakers Dj Tool
*As posted on Soma's facebook
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I got the feeling that the place that I work for is about to do a budget cut in the future,I make 380 a week and after taxes its 275. Does any body know how much I would make on unemployment if I were to get cut?
Open Question: How much does insurance on a gym cost?
I have a school project to provide a type of service or product to the community. we have to tell how much the budget cost. does anyone one know a rough estimate?

Coggles is a unique men's and womens fashion lifestyle site stocking rare labels such as pretty green by liam gallagher and Adidas Originals among others that you wouldnt normally find anywhere outside of a top London boutique.
The simple yet bold design, layout is eye catching and vey easy to use.
I suggest you go check it out. mention me when you do....simples...
Open Question: How can I do business with Insurance adjusters?
We are an Abatement company, We remove Asbestos, Lead and Mold and would like some help as to how to I get on a vendor list, become a sponsor or any type of association to be able to get contracts with Insurance adjusters so we can work for them when they receive property and commercial claims that would need our services. Please someone advise.
Open Question: Best course of action to take with Ins. company ?
This may take awhile, so get a cup of tea. :) On June 14, 2009 my mother and father were hit head on by a negligent driver. CHP ruled that the other driver was at fault. There were a total of four people injured. My mother, referred to as Jane, was injured seriously and remained in a coma for 46 days in ICU. Jane then spent a total of 9 months in hospital care. Jane's medical bills were abt.
Open Question: If i turn 18 and right after i go to a different state to live. how do i pay for medicare?
also what about dentists? can i still be on my parents medicare since i just turned 18? will they cut me slack because of that? or will i have to immediately turn to welfare? also how exactly does welfare work? the procedure?
Open Question: How to account for prepaid insurance paid in installments?
If our business commits to an insurance policy for 1 year and pay 5 premiums of 50,000 in jan, feb, mar, april, and may. When should we record the expense and for how much and into what accounts.
Open Question: is the guaranteed price-guaranteed if the weight estimated exceeds what they have quoted?
our price is a guaranteed price with weight quoted at 9,000 lbs, we are concerned they have underestimated the weight...Are they still bound by the price?
Open Question: Asurion Phone Insurance?
I recieved my replacement phone and activated it. Now I need to send my old phone back to them, Is there a form I should have gotten or one I need to get online so that they know it is my phone? I am not sure how they know who the phone belongs to if no paper work travels with it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Open Question: What is the cheapest insurance in Saint George, Utah?
I am 19 years old. Never been pulled over, never been in any kind if wreck..So heres the thing.. My Mom is kicking me out because i'm Gay, (no joke) and I have to find a place to live by the end of May. I need the Car so I can go to work and raise money to go to college but she says she can't sign it over until I pay for insurance, how much would it be? Where is the best place? How can I find
Open Question: Help me with my insurance?
I am 18 years old and right now im under my mom insurance, and some of my relative say that, after i graduate high school this year but if i don't go to college in the fall, the insurance companies will cut off my insurances, i want to know if that true and what should i do p.s: i want a higher ACT score so i can go to a better school.
Open Question: I blacked out and ran a red light and hurt 2 people now they want more than my insurance will pay what should?
im 79 years old al i have is my retirement and the injured wants more than I have in coverage what should i do can they take all my income
Open Question: Unemployment appeal letter?
Okay so i am 20 years old, just recently got fired from chilis restaurant in january. I filed for unemployment, won, then just recently got a notice of determination...I am preparing to write my appeal letter, and was googling examples of letters but all the ones I found were very professional, and not good examples for my simple case. I would like to get some simple examples if anyone would
Open Question: should my friend's insurance cover an accident?
My friend was too drunk so he asked me to drive his car and on the way home i backed up into a car. I don't have any insurance coverage. should his insurance cover me? Im a full time student and part time worker so i can't pay the damamges by myself but im willing to pay for the deductable.
Open Question: National insurance number lost? HELP!?
i need it in two days, but its not in my house. i need to get another one sent off, is this possible? any details- numbers I could ring would be much appreciated. thanks
Open Question: if i put my mum as a named driver and me a 2nd driver. Will the insurance be cheaper.?
but will i get no claims as a second driver or will it be my mum. Who will be classed as the named driver. Can you explain how it works. I have been driving for 1 year and my mum for over 20 years
Can any one tell me how to calculate ULIP charges after Ist Jan 2010, as far as I know IRDA has put a cap on the charges i.e. 3% charges for 10 year plans and 2.25 charges for 15 year plan. How to calculate these charges? These 3% charges means Allocation Charges, Fund Management Charges, Policy Administration Charges and Miscellaneous Charges. These charges will not include Mortality charges,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Open Question: What pet insurance plan would you recommend?
Which has one the best rate and any personal experiences with any of them? We have 3 dogs and really need some protection in case something happens to one of our babies!
"Bionic" Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera Returns with her new album "BIONIC" due to drop on June 8th with the first single being the electro smash "NOT MYSELF TONIGHT".
Having heard most of the tracks from the album already I must admit I'm impressed.
As she has gone in a slightly different direction to her earlier work which is not a bad thing as it shows maturity and progression.
But she still manages to keep that signature Christina style with some strong vocals and clever lyrics and a few electro synths here and there as well as blaring trumpets on one song called "SPOTLIGHT" there is sure to be something on this album to please everyone. My personal favourite on the album being "CRAZY" an upbeat electro dance tune that will hopefully be released as a single and no doubt keep her gay fans happy and lure back the ones that where seduced by the GAGA....
Open Question: Shell Casualty Co. insures Bob under a PAP and also insures Ted under a seperate PAP. Bob and Ted were involve?
Shell Casualty Co. insures Bob under a PAP and also insures Ted under a seperate PAP. Bob and Ted were involved in an auto accident when Bob ran a red light and struck Ted's car. Shell paid damages to Ted under his collision coverage. Shell then sent Bob a notice of intent to subrogate. Bob denies that he has any liability to Shell. Shell argues that Bob is liable to it for its payment to Ted
Open Question: Would such a fatality be covered by insurance?
Recently my father had the overhead cabinets in his office collapse, missing his head on initial impact by a hair's breadth and only knocking him out for a minute as they slid off the table, hence at a much weaker force. He was completely fine, and refused to even get a CAT scan (stupid). My question is, had these cabinets fallen on his head, therefore killing him, what kind of benefits would
Open Question: Can I get unemployment?
My friend only get 27 hours a week and she told me something about under employment, I only get 12.5 hours a week can I get it? and what exactly is it? and how do I sign up if I can get it? Thanks alot
Open Question: Is it legal for my dad to discontinue health insurance for his kids?
My dad has health and dental insurance from his work, and we all are covered under it. I have 3 siblings ages 8,13, and 15 (I am 20) My mom is also on his insurance. My dad is bi-polar, and has issues with anger (he refuses to seek treatment) He is very emotionally abusive, and threatens to not buy food. He controls all of my mom's income. He's really hard to live with. So, this morning his
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Open Question: Moving to North Carolina, Looking for Health Insurance?
I've decided to move to North Carolina when I save up enough money to do so, but I realized Health Insurance is also something needed when moving to another state. So I decided to look up quotes for Health Insurance in North Carolina so I could figure out how much money I should save up before moving. It all looked good and fine at first, but I realized some insurances do not cover
Open Question: can my landlords insurance company ask me for money from a house fire?
my bf & i had a house fire last yr & the landlord had insurance on the duplex but we didnt have renter insur. Now the landlords insurance company is putting us at fult, which it kind of was, & demanding for more money than the duplex is worth & threating to repo anything we own. & now we saw that they tore it all down & put the lot up for sale. can they really ask for that money & repo
Open Question: What should I expect from my unemployment telephone interview?
What are acceptable reasons for being fired from the job that will qualify me? Is this interview what's going to determine if I'm eligible or not.
Open Question: How does Lloyd's of London operate today?
How does the insurance company, Lloyd's of london operate today? Thanks for any help..
Open Question: why would personal liability insurance needs a credit report?
how does chapter 7 bankruptcy affect liability
Open Question: injured spouse refunds for 2009?
so I filed our injured spouse with our return electronically. the wheres my refund says we are suppose to have it May 4. I just filed two weeks ago, how can that happen so fast when it says it can take up to 11 weeks for processing an electronic return. has anyone else recieved theres that fast this year.
Open Question: Insurance agent lied to me. What can I do?
My father was hospitalized and had to be admitted to the ICU. As he began recovery, he was declared "medically stable" and transferred to another floor. He has a terminal illness but this was not his time to pass. His insurance agent contacted us and told us that when he was in ICU he was covered but that since he transferred out of ICU they would no longer cover his medical expenses and
Open Question: Under Obama's new health care bill, how long can you go without insurance and not pay the uninsured penalty?
How long can one go without coverage without paying the penalty/tax for not having health insurance once that part of the bill takes effect in 2014?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Open Question: Need help finding health ins. in MI with out pre-existing conditions waiting period?
Everything blue cross blue shield has a 180 day pre existing waiting period, I need help finding insurance in Michigan either without the pre existing waiting period, or at least with a smaller waiting period. It has to have maternity coverage. I already tried the esurance website. I found a couple good plans but they all have a 6 month long pre existing and I can't have that
Open Question: what are some good life insurance company that require no exams?
what about companies like global life insurance and etc...
Open Question: Help please --- liability question?
Can anyone tell me what type of liability should I be looking into? Thank you. Aker has been Potterâs sales agent for twenty years and has dealt with about 200 customers during that time. In 2008 Potter fires Aker, terminating the agency. None of the 200 customers have heard about the termination. What steps must Potter take to protect himself from potential liability from customers and
Open Question: Obama's health care plan, pre existing conditions and insurances?
I have a very serious chronic illness and my wife as well and I am working in a company now that I did not want to leave because I was afraid that if I get a new insurance in a new job they will decline me and my wife for pre existing conditions. Now my question is, with the new laws or rules of the health care bill that no insurances can deny you coverage for pre existing conditions is that
Open Question: Motorbike and insurance Question?
If i get Third party fire and theft and Get hit by a car on the road. will their insurance cover it been there fault or would i have to get comprehensive to cover this
Open Question: What to do if I recieve student benefits and get suspended for a day?
social security says i need to report anytime i get suspended and this is my first time what do i do? and if i dont report it what will happen?
Open Question: is the farmers agent opportunity a scam?
1 - i went to the first interview and everything seemed very attractive in the opportunity and what they had to say. however, im skeptical becuase when i asked the district manager what where the key marketing stratagies used to create leads in insurance sales i felt like he completley dodged the question and didnt answer it at all. he said something like it was relationship based and then
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Open Question: what are the possibilities of a future national health insurance?
I want to know what are the changes that it can happen in the future, I also need documents attached with it. I need it to be like 1 or 2 paragraphs
Open Question: i applied for disability, how do i know if i qualified?
i applied three weeks ago, am i going to get something on the mail? any info. would help
West End Festival
Dates for 2010 are Saturday 12 to Sunday 27 June.
Steet parades, bands, market stalls, face painting and people getting drunk during the day oh I Can't wait for this as last year was such a success by moving it to kelvingrove Park with the subcity radio stage being the best part in my opinion which we found to late but still had a good time dancing like idiots just the same to the point where I almost lost my camera and had to go running back for it..
good times lol
Anywhoo for more info on this years festival check out the official website:
Open Question: Insurance Claim Problem?
Ok so they hit and run my husbands truck and well the guy who hit the truck had insurance. We filed a claim,adjuster came out to take picture and look at the truck. Now they sent my husband a check to fix it which is $2500. We found someone that can fix it for $400 and we wanted to keep the rest of the money for ourselves. Now the insurance company is calling us for a quote on how much the
Open Question: Where can I get a Cease & Desist Copy for my health insurance company? It was issued to them last month.?
I was notified that my health insurance company was issued a Cease & Desist order last month. Cannot locate anyone at the company now, they won't answer the phone. I want to get a copy of this Cease & Desist order, because I need it for some other legal issues. Where can I find it?
Open Question: Can anyone please give me some advice on Public Liability Insurance for Market Traders / Stall holders?
I am interested in renting a stall at my local summer fayre, but they say we need public liability insurance, however I dont want to pay a yearly fee for a one off day on a stall, does anyone know where I can purchase good, cheap insurance for one day? Thanks
hey ((:
currently in school cosmix with Gecelia, Denise, WX and Chloe.
today morning blahblah.
told mummeh something. VEH SAD LEHS! ):
then, first lesson maths.
done corrections blahblah. exchange pencil case with WeiLun :X
learnt a secret -.- SHOCKED tio.
then, history.
sat with Jasni :3
then the teacher there kp -.-
say what i keep giggling :3
laugh got problem uhs?! ;eeks
she like more and more kp lorhs.
about to start lesson, mummeh and me went toilet. get a pass -.-
write on the paper. teacher give us 3 min -.-
then come back, still got 1 min ++
so joked around :X
then, copy notes.
after that, recess.
went back.
went toilet.
zhang xin say i "康培中学美女第一名"
done worksheets.
then, science.
do corrections.
then, chinese.
sat with mummeh.
laughed all the way :X
after school.
went toilet.
then, went sunplaza.
laughed all the way.
its really fucking funnyfunny!
keep laughing :X
but lazy to post what happen ><
went kopitiam eat :X
saw the teachers. LMAO!
then, went back school
keep laughing with mummeh :X
she go disiao one guy :P
k, its veh funny.
if you were here, im sure you will ROFLYAO :X (ROLLING.ON.FLOOR.LAUGH.YOUR.ASS.OUT)
k, shall post pics when i go home?
bbye <3
currently in school cosmix with Gecelia, Denise, WX and Chloe.
today morning blahblah.
told mummeh something. VEH SAD LEHS! ):
then, first lesson maths.
done corrections blahblah. exchange pencil case with WeiLun :X
learnt a secret -.- SHOCKED tio.
then, history.
sat with Jasni :3
then the teacher there kp -.-
say what i keep giggling :3
laugh got problem uhs?! ;eeks
she like more and more kp lorhs.
about to start lesson, mummeh and me went toilet. get a pass -.-
write on the paper. teacher give us 3 min -.-
then come back, still got 1 min ++
so joked around :X
then, copy notes.
after that, recess.
went back.
went toilet.
zhang xin say i "康培中学美女第一名"
done worksheets.
then, science.
do corrections.
then, chinese.
sat with mummeh.
laughed all the way :X
after school.
went toilet.
then, went sunplaza.
laughed all the way.
its really fucking funnyfunny!
keep laughing :X
but lazy to post what happen ><
went kopitiam eat :X
saw the teachers. LMAO!
then, went back school
keep laughing with mummeh :X
she go disiao one guy :P
k, its veh funny.
if you were here, im sure you will ROFLYAO :X (ROLLING.ON.FLOOR.LAUGH.YOUR.ASS.OUT)
k, shall post pics when i go home?
bbye <3
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Open Question: Workers Comp in MA denial of a procedure.?
I had an accident while working in 2001. I have serve pain to where I should I should have a knee replacement, but since I have been in the hospital for a high temperature and infection about 6 times it is to dangerous to have a replacement. My pain doctor wants to do a nerve block but the company denied his request. What can I do now?
SWG3 Show
Had a great night at the opening party..really glad I went along the art work on display was amazing and it has really inspired me to get back into doing work and getting it out there.
One of the main exhibits was from Baldvin Ringsted an Icelandic Visual Artist based in Glasgow with an MFA from glasgow school of Art in 2007. His works combines his love of music and contemporary visual art in a unique and visually stunning way. from pouring wax into frames over speakers blasting out his favourite hard rock songs to sliced up images of guitars and drums.
The venue itself was also amazing similar to being in some old warehouse in downtown New York which I was not prepared for, how they have managed to achieve this in Glasgow is a great achievement and I congratulate them I look forward to returning.
One of the main exhibits was from Baldvin Ringsted an Icelandic Visual Artist based in Glasgow with an MFA from glasgow school of Art in 2007. His works combines his love of music and contemporary visual art in a unique and visually stunning way. from pouring wax into frames over speakers blasting out his favourite hard rock songs to sliced up images of guitars and drums.
The venue itself was also amazing similar to being in some old warehouse in downtown New York which I was not prepared for, how they have managed to achieve this in Glasgow is a great achievement and I congratulate them I look forward to returning.
Open Question: Independent Health Insurance?
My work offers vision, medical, and dental, but I'm only getting dental and vision from them. Medical is wwaayyyy to expensive, so I'm looking at independent health companies. Anyone know the best one or ones they approve of? I'm looking at Assurent health right now, so like a good deal, what do you guys think? I'm 24 and healthy if that helps...I just need the peace of mind in case something
Open Question: Sell personal injury settlement?
I was T-boned coming out of school on 2/5/09. I didnt feel hurt then, but after the x-rays I was told I had 6 torn ligiments in my neck and I believe 4 pinched nerves in my back from hitting my head on the steering wheel. Yes I did complete 3 months of therapy. In March of this year, my lawyer made an offer to the insurance company but they denied because they want more medical records....but
Open Question: If a company policy is refund before 30 days, what legal rights do we have returning something after 30 days?
I ordered a product on line that offers a "30-day moneyback guarantee". In addition, the company is sending me on-going vitamins every month and charging my credit card. I want to stop receiving the vitamins even though it has been over 30 days. Do I have any legal rights to get them to stop even though it has been after 30 days? I would also love to return the original product, but
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Open Question: Unemployment Insurance Appeals Witness?
Would serving as a witness to an unemployment appeal against a company invite backlash from the company? This particular company has a lot of politics and even if it would be illegal to terminate an employee for such a reason, the employer will single the person out for firing anyway by legal methods. Is there a way to do this anonymously? This employee was truly fired for unjust reasons and
Open Question: Independent Health Insurance?
My work offers vision, medical, and dental, but I'm only getting dental and vision from them. Medical is wwaayyyy to expensive, so I'm looking at independent health companies. Anyone know the best one or ones they approve of? I'm looking at Assurent health right now, so like a good deal, what do you guys think? I'm 24 and healthy if that helps...I just need the peace of mind in case something
Open Question: how much is a down payment on a insurance rate of $161?
Im looking to buy progressive and they're rating my car at 161 a month. if anyone has this rate, do you remember what you paid?
Open Question: has anyone gotten individual health insurance NOT through an employer?
i dont qualify for medicare or any state health programs because my unemployment is too much (yea right) and i have applied to Aetna and theyre reviewing it...i dont smoke or drink but i do have bad allergies and asthma...could they deny me because of that? how long has it taken for anyone else to get approved?
Open Question: can i get unemployment while waiting for my workmans comp to come through?
i am waiting to get my workmans comp through my lawyer can i file for unemployment
hey ((:
today start to rain abit when we were about to sing national anthem -.-
so went hall. :X
then, morning assembly over.
went F&N room for home econs lessons.
mrs kaur was like saying.
then me and akansha keep saying yes :3
after that charmaine also say.
then the kaur was like "Stop it" and give us a face.
me and akan keep laughing :X
then keep say ohyea? yea? orh. ok. alright. isit? and lots more. LMAO
then, sang songs blahblah.
after that, recess.
went canteen.
after eating, we played concentration. lol :X
still immature :3
then, went up chinese class.
teacher say go com lab 2.
do the sihan thingy.
after that, maths?
do alegebra ):
is like my answer and the textbook answer different -.-
then keep playing and laughing. :X
after that, went to change into PE.
then, went cosmix.
chiong the IBL project.
is like all im the one doing -.-
so freaking unfair! :/
and ezekiel, terrance and a few was like keep disiao-ing =.=
then, went to eat. and blahblah.
tomorrow have to stay back. FREAK!
ok. nothing much. shall post pics next time.
gtg. bbye. <3
today start to rain abit when we were about to sing national anthem -.-
so went hall. :X
then, morning assembly over.
went F&N room for home econs lessons.
mrs kaur was like saying.
then me and akansha keep saying yes :3
after that charmaine also say.
then the kaur was like "Stop it" and give us a face.
me and akan keep laughing :X
then keep say ohyea? yea? orh. ok. alright. isit? and lots more. LMAO
then, sang songs blahblah.
after that, recess.
went canteen.
after eating, we played concentration. lol :X
still immature :3
then, went up chinese class.
teacher say go com lab 2.
do the sihan thingy.
after that, maths?
do alegebra ):
is like my answer and the textbook answer different -.-
then keep playing and laughing. :X
after that, went to change into PE.
then, went cosmix.
chiong the IBL project.
is like all im the one doing -.-
so freaking unfair! :/
and ezekiel, terrance and a few was like keep disiao-ing =.=
then, went to eat. and blahblah.
tomorrow have to stay back. FREAK!
ok. nothing much. shall post pics next time.
gtg. bbye. <3
Open Question: do insurance companies ever pay up?
well i have tried and claimed many times but its a No. I have not yet understood or had time to read the microscopic tiny weeny print, all 37 volumes which covers every possible event, meaning they dont pay. I am now looking for insurance for the insurance.
Open Question: Insurance proof of ownership - help!?
I am looking for some advise on where I stand with my insurance company, the Royal Bank of Scotland. We were burgled and had various fishing and golfing equipment stolen along with items in a chest freezer (big cuts of meat, fish etc all purchased with cash). These had been given as gifts over many years and as such we do not have any receipts. The insurance company say they require proof of
Monday, April 19, 2010
Open Question: insurance check questions?
Okay so someone recently hit and run on my car and my whole right side is damaged. My insurance sent me a check, do i cash that check to the bank and use it to repair my car OR give it to the body shop and let them do the work? i don't want them to gyp me off lol. I only have to pay a 200-250 dollar deductable, not 500 because my friend referred me to them.
Open Question: Is it worth having home-owners insurance?
I hear on the news quite often about people losing their homes etc and insurance not covering them. Is it worth it to even have insurance? Do these companies just weasel their way out of paying?
Open Question: Sorry, forgot to say this was for a Medicare Supplement policy?
See previous question about underwriting by Mutual of Omaha.
Open Question: If you're stuck abroad due to the volcano, have to stay longer in your hotel, can you claim on your insurance?
Just thinking a lot of people are going to be spent out and in financial difficulties through no fault of their own? Heard something somewhere about it being "an act of God" so insurance wouldn't pay out. Don't know if it's true or not.
played audi ((:
helped hell & myself license :D
after that, around 3?
went town with sis.
walk until leg pain -.-
then, went home. watched channel 8 (:
i was great & funny (:
but, some of the people that won the awards, im not happy!
why my mummeh (Auntie Lucy) no win?! tsk ):
well-being run -.-
ms low flirting with the guy. LMAO :X
slowly ran today~
was very behind :X
then, science.
go through corrections.
then blahblah.
after that, lit.
mr loh will be taking us for the last time after this lesson. lol -.-
then, scolded.
same reason why miss low scolded us :X
then, went to change.
the room was locked again -.-
then, went recess.
after that, art lesson.
took chocolates :3
then, IT.
learnt the G-mail thingy.
mine password sensitive sia -.- cb lorhs.
then, maths.
done corrections.
go through new topic.
lastly, CCM.
went canteen.
sat there, talk, then go up class.
was shocked by one teacher.
OMG ...
last lesson le!
keep taking chocolates from teacher.
she dont wan give me lorhs ;eeks
then, had fun.
but me and mummeh cant w8 for the lesson to end :X
after that, went SP.
kopitiam eat.
said bye to some random Sembawang sec boys :X
then, walk around.
mummeh cant w8 to go home.
she went, me and ahgirl bought name sticker ((:
bus-ed home.
k, thats all.
gonna post some pics.
just a few random ones...

my long fingernails :X
easy to scratch people.
but, i cut them le. now is like so short -.-

helped hell pass his level 20 license ((:
now the license is like damn easy -.-

my level 14 license :3
still noob :X
my level and his level is like. *erhem*
so ps ><

us. in CCM classes.
i look retarted -.-
k, thats all (:
bbye <3
played audi ((:
helped hell & myself license :D
after that, around 3?
went town with sis.
walk until leg pain -.-
then, went home. watched channel 8 (:
i was great & funny (:
but, some of the people that won the awards, im not happy!
why my mummeh (Auntie Lucy) no win?! tsk ):
well-being run -.-
ms low flirting with the guy. LMAO :X
slowly ran today~
was very behind :X
then, science.
go through corrections.
then blahblah.
after that, lit.
mr loh will be taking us for the last time after this lesson. lol -.-
then, scolded.
same reason why miss low scolded us :X
then, went to change.
the room was locked again -.-
then, went recess.
after that, art lesson.
took chocolates :3
then, IT.
learnt the G-mail thingy.
mine password sensitive sia -.- cb lorhs.
then, maths.
done corrections.
go through new topic.
lastly, CCM.
went canteen.
sat there, talk, then go up class.
was shocked by one teacher.
OMG ...
last lesson le!
keep taking chocolates from teacher.
she dont wan give me lorhs ;eeks
then, had fun.
but me and mummeh cant w8 for the lesson to end :X
after that, went SP.
kopitiam eat.
said bye to some random Sembawang sec boys :X
then, walk around.
mummeh cant w8 to go home.
she went, me and ahgirl bought name sticker ((:
bus-ed home.
k, thats all.
gonna post some pics.
just a few random ones...
my long fingernails :X
easy to scratch people.
but, i cut them le. now is like so short -.-
helped hell pass his level 20 license ((:
now the license is like damn easy -.-
my level 14 license :3
still noob :X
my level and his level is like. *erhem*
so ps ><
us. in CCM classes.
i look retarted -.-
k, thats all (:
bbye <3
Open Question: Premium Health Insurance?
I am considering shifting to Pallas Global Health as I've seen flexible benefits and better advantages compared to my current health care provider. Anyone here who can share their thoughts or experience about Pallas Global Health? Here is their website: I especially like the fact that it allows me to live anywhere and there's freedom from multiple policies.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Open Question: Has anybody ever used I was wondering if it's a scam.?
They say you get free gift cards for rating songs. but also want alot of personal info..
Open Question: i work for a company bigger than wall mart and i needed to leave cuz my brother was dieing they said no?
i work for a big big company and my brother had a heart attack and they said that if i left that when i come back i wouldent have a job and i would have to wait for someone to cover my shift and i stayed for a hour till someone came to finsh my shift i got to the hospital and seen my brother for 30 sec and he died i was to late and then my dm called and told me i was fired and they wont the
Open Question: Who is in titled to insurance monies?
If I purchase an insurance policy for spouse and continue to pay premiums even after we divorce. If my spouse remarries,do I have to get a signature from the new spouse if I cash in the policy or she passes? Is the new spouse in titled to any of the monies from the premiums I've paid?
Open Question: average car insurance rate data?
The average auto car insurance rate listed in yahoo story, is that average car insurance rate per car or per houshold or what? Thanks.
Open Question: how does employment and support allowance affect loan insurance .?
My partner has been ill for several months and is about to enter the employment and support allowance system, which includes a limited ability to work element. The loan company concerned has said that the loan protection may not be valid as they have strict criteria on the term 'unfit to work'. They have also said that limited capability to work means that you can work to some degree and as
Open Question: house insurance and dogs?
i want a german shepherd but im not sure if my insurance will let me what kind of insurance is ok to have when you have a german shepherd and will not charge extra just for owning a pet dont answer this question just to gripe or tell me to google it a real answer is apreciated
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Open Question: Medical Law and Ethics?
The generic potency equivalency is an interesting concept. I think that any time a generic is perscribed you have that problem. Are you saying that because the generic drugs are REQUIRED by some plans that those plans have a lesser quality to begin with? Also aren't all insurance plans risk contracts, in fact all insurance of any type is a risk contract. I often feel that society would be
Open Question: Does cobra coverage start date pay for any health insurance claims after my insurance termination date?
basically resigned from job became self employed continued health insurance through cobra coverage but before i officially had cobra coverage i used health insurance two days after my termination date of my health insurance ...after using health insurance i found out it had terminated two days before but the cobra coverage start date continues from the termination date of my health insurance.
Open Question: How long is the teen insurance driving period?
Like when you get a license, my friend said there's a period of time when you have to wait for it to end and then that whole double the insurance thing if you're a teenager goes off your record. What's the actual timeline of when it begins or ends? Can't seem to find it on google?
Open Question: Please Help me!!! Can you tell me why i have to pay a bill .?
My puppy has had a nasty fall and he needs an op it will cost £2100, but i am insured so they will pay up. But i have to pay first. And then the insurance company will remembers me after.But do i have to pay up front. Thanks x
Open Question: How to get health insurance as a nanny in Massachusetts?
Right now I work as a toddler teacher, but in September I might start working as a Nanny. I have no idea how to go about getting health insurance for myself without it costing a ridiculous amount! Even if I go through a nanny agency, they are not responsible for finding me insurance, since I would be employed by the family, not the agency. Everyone is required to have health insurance in
Open Question: Will travel insurance cover extra hotel bills when you can't get home?
I'm stuck abroad and it seems the airline are not willing to compensate. Do travel insurance packages typically cover unintended extended stays abroad?
Open Question: Help my diabetic grandson's medicaid runs out in June when he turns 19?
his mom died.his dad and step mom don't want him she wouldn't put him on their family plan.with the new health reform should i be able to find him affordable private health can i know if the insurance company is not charging him a higher premium.
Open Question: The Icelandish Volcano Was a Natural Disaster... Does this mean my holiday insurance will not pay out?
As it was a "natural" phenomenon.
hihi (:
busy yesterday day. or should i say lazy? :X
hahas ><
shall post today (:
reached school.
ahgirl they all reached le.
talking then suddenly saw the lightning alert blinking.
in a while they made an announcement to go to the hall for assembly -.-
waited for mummeh they all and went up together.
its such a coincidence. Clement ahlao sit behind me lehs! exactly behind :X
its fate. LMAO! jk -.-
then, morning assembly lorhs.
is like keep stand there trying not to laugh.
cause mdm sal is standing beside us. which is beside mummeh. and i was beside mummeh.
get it? LOL :X
after that, PE (:
played captain's ball.
then, monkey.
and captain's ball again.
shiok (:
Mr Daniel is a good shooter :X
his ball he will aim at your hand make it easier for you to catch. good uhs.
but horhs. the defending team members de long hand keep hitting the ball away.
lmao :3
then, went back class.
english lesson. mrs james no come.
do the "short compo"
after that, science.
learn the methods of seperation of mixtures.
i veh guai right? i still remember! :P lol
when ms low say finish.
bell rang.
then she say "Stay where you are. i never say you can go right?"
then start "lecturing" us.
she like wan to cry like that.
then, waste around 5++ min of our time!
when go back class, the door was locked -.-
so throw in our things and went for recess.
me and mummeh were late :X lol
go through maths e-learning answers. i got alot wrong ):
then ms low like no talk at all.
just write answers, stop, walk around. then go erase and write other answers again .
after maths, PC lesson.
mdm sal came in.
talked about the topic on "Love & Crushes"
wth. then everybody go look at my ahgirl.
i know she chio -.-
sabo her sia. lol.
then teacher thought is adrain :X
school ended, went toilet.
then, went SP.
went to eat Mac (:
no seats so went to sit outside.
keep eat the fries so veh full to eat finish the burger.
ahgirl also no eat finish the nuggets.
so slack there awhile.
after that went library.
me and mummy keep talking and laughing then those kpkb kia keep tell us diam and say shh-.-
our mouth right. ccb.
especially C -.-
aku wan talk not your business. not happy fuck off larhs
we go there first right -.-
then me and mummeh veh dl. walked away.
decided to go home.
bought thumbdrive for my sis first.
then, went to buy @cash
also for my sis.
she owe me lots of money :X
then, went home. before that, saw ahgirl they all at 2nd floor.
saw akansha and chloe at busstop.
mummeh wan go home with them.
so i bus-ed back too.
before tht, went to buy slurpee.
because of my greediness :3
my slurpee overflow
and you should hear how akansha laughed! its so cute. hahas.
i bet she will tag at my tagboard: I'm not cute -.-
then, they went home.
waited long for 980!
bus-ed home. ALONE.
so long no bus-ed home with charmaine lo...
k. thats all?
btw, message from me: DONT BE GREEDY!
thats what mrs kaur always tells us. lol!
and for today,
just stayed at home. veh sian...
played audi.
watched video.
blogged ((:
anyway, to mummeh:
MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING! (although its about one month away from today)
while blogging this, i just received a msg from my pri friend.
A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle.
Girl: Slow down, i'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No, its not. please slow down.
Guy: Then tell me you love me and give me a hug.
(The girl did so)
Guy: Can you take my helmet and put it on yourself, its really bothering me.
Next day on newspaper "A motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. 2 were in the crash, but only one survived."
The truth was that halfway through, the guy realized that the brakes were not working, but he did not wan the girl to know. So he had her hugged him and tell him she love him one last time. Then he had her put on his helmet so should would live, even if it meant he would die.
sad right? ><
ok. shall some pics (:

found in a book at the library.
Robert Pattinson <3:Famous brilliance ((:
The rest i lazy post.
the meanings:
ME(EILEEN): a form of helen (wth -.-)
CARMEN: Our Lady of Mount Carmel-is one of the titles of the Virgin Mary (sounds stupid-.-)
CHARMAINE: a form of Carmen (lol -.-)
CLEMENT: merciful (lol -.-)
DENISE: follower of Dionysus, the god of wine (make no sense -.-)
all the meanings sounds stupid to me :3
dont have your name means cant find or i dont bother to find.
Zheng Hao give de. ty (:

The bus mummeh wanted to board. but we say wan buy slurpee. She veh pekchek. lmao :X

my overflowed slurpee. lols :X

me zilian :X
i saw the laptop screen the see my own reflection.
i did'nt know it would be quite clear :X
so tested out.
not bad right? (:
lol. i mean the quality not my face.
but my face also not bad larhs :X LOL!
k. thats all (:
busy yesterday day. or should i say lazy? :X
hahas ><
shall post today (:
reached school.
ahgirl they all reached le.
talking then suddenly saw the lightning alert blinking.
in a while they made an announcement to go to the hall for assembly -.-
waited for mummeh they all and went up together.
its such a coincidence. Clement ahlao sit behind me lehs! exactly behind :X
its fate. LMAO! jk -.-
then, morning assembly lorhs.
is like keep stand there trying not to laugh.
cause mdm sal is standing beside us. which is beside mummeh. and i was beside mummeh.
get it? LOL :X
after that, PE (:
played captain's ball.
then, monkey.
and captain's ball again.
shiok (:
Mr Daniel is a good shooter :X
his ball he will aim at your hand make it easier for you to catch. good uhs.
but horhs. the defending team members de long hand keep hitting the ball away.
lmao :3
then, went back class.
english lesson. mrs james no come.
do the "short compo"
after that, science.
learn the methods of seperation of mixtures.
i veh guai right? i still remember! :P lol
when ms low say finish.
bell rang.
then she say "Stay where you are. i never say you can go right?"
then start "lecturing" us.
she like wan to cry like that.
then, waste around 5++ min of our time!
when go back class, the door was locked -.-
so throw in our things and went for recess.
me and mummeh were late :X lol
go through maths e-learning answers. i got alot wrong ):
then ms low like no talk at all.
just write answers, stop, walk around. then go erase and write other answers again .
after maths, PC lesson.
mdm sal came in.
talked about the topic on "Love & Crushes"
wth. then everybody go look at my ahgirl.
i know she chio -.-
sabo her sia. lol.
then teacher thought is adrain :X
school ended, went toilet.
then, went SP.
went to eat Mac (:
no seats so went to sit outside.
keep eat the fries so veh full to eat finish the burger.
ahgirl also no eat finish the nuggets.
so slack there awhile.
after that went library.
me and mummy keep talking and laughing then those kpkb kia keep tell us diam and say shh-.-
our mouth right. ccb.
especially C -.-
aku wan talk not your business. not happy fuck off larhs
we go there first right -.-
then me and mummeh veh dl. walked away.
decided to go home.
bought thumbdrive for my sis first.
then, went to buy @cash
also for my sis.
she owe me lots of money :X
then, went home. before that, saw ahgirl they all at 2nd floor.
saw akansha and chloe at busstop.
mummeh wan go home with them.
so i bus-ed back too.
before tht, went to buy slurpee.
because of my greediness :3
my slurpee overflow
and you should hear how akansha laughed! its so cute. hahas.
i bet she will tag at my tagboard: I'm not cute -.-
then, they went home.
waited long for 980!
bus-ed home. ALONE.
so long no bus-ed home with charmaine lo...
k. thats all?
btw, message from me: DONT BE GREEDY!
thats what mrs kaur always tells us. lol!
and for today,
just stayed at home. veh sian...
played audi.
watched video.
blogged ((:
anyway, to mummeh:
MY BIRTHDAY IS COMING! (although its about one month away from today)
while blogging this, i just received a msg from my pri friend.
A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle.
Girl: Slow down, i'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No, its not. please slow down.
Guy: Then tell me you love me and give me a hug.
(The girl did so)
Guy: Can you take my helmet and put it on yourself, its really bothering me.
Next day on newspaper "A motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. 2 were in the crash, but only one survived."
The truth was that halfway through, the guy realized that the brakes were not working, but he did not wan the girl to know. So he had her hugged him and tell him she love him one last time. Then he had her put on his helmet so should would live, even if it meant he would die.
sad right? ><
ok. shall some pics (:
found in a book at the library.
Robert Pattinson <3:Famous brilliance ((:
The rest i lazy post.
the meanings:
ME(EILEEN): a form of helen (wth -.-)
CARMEN: Our Lady of Mount Carmel-is one of the titles of the Virgin Mary (sounds stupid-.-)
CHARMAINE: a form of Carmen (lol -.-)
CLEMENT: merciful (lol -.-)
DENISE: follower of Dionysus, the god of wine (make no sense -.-)
all the meanings sounds stupid to me :3
dont have your name means cant find or i dont bother to find.
Zheng Hao give de. ty (:
The bus mummeh wanted to board. but we say wan buy slurpee. She veh pekchek. lmao :X
my overflowed slurpee. lols :X
me zilian :X
i saw the laptop screen the see my own reflection.
i did'nt know it would be quite clear :X
so tested out.
not bad right? (:
lol. i mean the quality not my face.
but my face also not bad larhs :X LOL!
k. thats all (:
Friday, April 16, 2010
Open Question: can health insurance companies request medical records from other health insurance companies?
When I was in college I was in a relationship that made me really depressed, and the psychologist on campus referred me to an outside therapist with a diagnosis of "major depression"--the outside therapist corrected it and said she believed i had circumstantially-related depression, but she told me she coded the claim with the referring guy's "major depression" label so the insurance company
Open Question: What credit card gives free or good discounts on towing?
my card paid half last time,and I heard there is still better deals...has anyone seen one? Master Card
Open Question: Accidently set on fire on someone elses property, what kind of claim can I file?
I was barbecueing at someones house and they spilt lighter fluid on me accidently and I was ignited. I spent two weeks in the hospital, and I'm looking to see what kind of insurance claim I can file
Thursday, April 15, 2010
GI West End Opening Party
GI West End Opening Party
Start Time: | Saturday, 17 April 2010 at 21:00 |
End Time: | Sunday, 18 April 2010 at 00:00 |
Location: | 100 Eastvale place |
Free after party to celebrate the exhibitions and projects opening in the west end of the city.
Live music from FOUND and OnTheFly with Dj's until 02.00
Live music from FOUND and OnTheFly with Dj's until 02.00
Not to sure what to expect from this but I like the sound of it and it's free so that makes it even more appealing. It also gives me the opportunity to go to the Warehouse studios having never been before heard its a great place with a real distressed industrial feel to it which most photographers/stylists would like to use as a backdrop rather than the actual studio itself.
Think I might even take my camera to get some great photos of my own and to add on here as well of course.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Glasgow goes Vintage
With the number of new vintage shops opening right now Glasgow is fast becoming THEE place for all things vintage, once only the norm for pretty art school girls,more and more of these "new vintage" shops as I like to call them are selling a bigger range of men's wear than ever before and we are not just talking retro football tops either, which you usually find we are seeing proper vintage clobber for the guy who likes to be that little bit different from everyone else with classic designer suits in WE LOVE TO BOOGIE on Byers Road to a whole floor dedicated to menswear and footwear in THE GLASGOW VINTAGE CO on Great Western Road (Kelvinbridge area)
There are a few others Watermelon, Mr Ben, The City, Tatty Bon, etc that I will focus on and review individually throughout the next few weeks.
Monday, April 12, 2010
here to post yea?
well being period, listen to crap. no offence :X
next, science lesson.
sian lorhs. need to the survey AGAIN. its like the 3RD time. so boliao larhs -.-
after doing, gossiped with cecilia and mummeh. lmao :X
then, lit lesson.
gave out papers.
then acted out.
lmao :X
do worksheets.
then, amin paper drop marhs.
then the mr tang walk around. then ask me help him pick.
then amin turn in front he say: say thank you to her, she help you pick your paper.
then amin say:thank you. (in a act cute voice)
lmaos -.-
then recess.
nothing much?
art. "rihanna" will be our art teacher for 2months. because mr shirley pregnant? lol.
hope mrs aw yong faster pregnant too -.-
then, draw portraits. i hate drawing portraits the most! especially SELF-PORTRAIT -'-
so i can say that my drawing sucks totally?
after that IT.
me and mummeh keep laughing.
i too jidong then keep beating her.
lol ><
ps :X
then we keep joking never listen to what mr nat said.
so when he say start doing we keep asking around -.-
damn funny :3
after that, maths lesson.
done some alebrac questions on the board.
will continue tmr.
then, went to eat lunch.
around 2 walked up to class.
saw clement and amin.
poked clement.
but! my finger pain ;eeks
wth lorhs. clement soooo hard!!!!!!!!! ><
had CCM lessons.
sat with mummeh today.
was like fucking hyper.
keep laughing and messaging in class :X
then, i shall OFFICIALLY SAY CLEMENT ONG JUN REN is my Gan AHLAO(Husband)
akansha is jealous ><
today i keep doing things then mummeh keep laughing.
BTW, DENISE NGAM XUAN YUN is my nuer <3 hahas :P
remember, Clement your gan-daddy, Benjamin your daddy uhs.
-.- so bhb :3
then CCM was about to end. played with bottle caps -.-
stupid amin. keep aiming me.
then clement say he hit my "toot" -.-
dont have lorh!
thanks mummeh for blocking me <3 ((:
after that, went toilet. hyper awhile.
then, went SP.
while walking, saw Akansha.
i was acting so retarded.
then, sunddenly saw Benjamin.
OMG )): i acted so stupid in front of him. WAH! )):
then, bus-ed to SP.
went mac to enjoy ice-cream while talking&&gossiping
then, took a video. fucking funny.
we had a crazy moment in MAC'S on 12/04/2010.
hahas :X
k, shall post some pics ((:

Mummeh beat me! pain ;eeks

Mummeh eating strawberry sundae(:

Cecilia eating vanilla ice-cream cone(:

Akansha too ps :X
she is half way peeling out the macdonald paper when i took this photo.
lmao :3

chloe (:

nuer. messaging instead of eating her ice-cream.
ahgirl uhs. i tell you arhs.
you this month bill burst uhs.
im gonna confiscate your phone
hahas :X

me -.- i see liao keep laughing XD

mummeh's half vomited blood and some of her period.
lol! very disgusting :X

mummeh unglam pic.
lmao! :3
im gonna be killed ><

Chloe and akansha((:
kk, shall end here :D
btw, nuer darling cheer up ^^ <3
here to post yea?
well being period, listen to crap. no offence :X
next, science lesson.
sian lorhs. need to the survey AGAIN. its like the 3RD time. so boliao larhs -.-
after doing, gossiped with cecilia and mummeh. lmao :X
then, lit lesson.
gave out papers.
then acted out.
lmao :X
do worksheets.
then, amin paper drop marhs.
then the mr tang walk around. then ask me help him pick.
then amin turn in front he say: say thank you to her, she help you pick your paper.
then amin say:thank you. (in a act cute voice)
lmaos -.-
then recess.
nothing much?
art. "rihanna" will be our art teacher for 2months. because mr shirley pregnant? lol.
hope mrs aw yong faster pregnant too -.-
then, draw portraits. i hate drawing portraits the most! especially SELF-PORTRAIT -'-
so i can say that my drawing sucks totally?
after that IT.
me and mummeh keep laughing.
i too jidong then keep beating her.
lol ><
ps :X
then we keep joking never listen to what mr nat said.
so when he say start doing we keep asking around -.-
damn funny :3
after that, maths lesson.
done some alebrac questions on the board.
will continue tmr.
then, went to eat lunch.
around 2 walked up to class.
saw clement and amin.
poked clement.
but! my finger pain ;eeks
wth lorhs. clement soooo hard!!!!!!!!! ><
had CCM lessons.
sat with mummeh today.
was like fucking hyper.
keep laughing and messaging in class :X
then, i shall OFFICIALLY SAY CLEMENT ONG JUN REN is my Gan AHLAO(Husband)
akansha is jealous ><
today i keep doing things then mummeh keep laughing.
BTW, DENISE NGAM XUAN YUN is my nuer <3 hahas :P
remember, Clement your gan-daddy, Benjamin your daddy uhs.
-.- so bhb :3
then CCM was about to end. played with bottle caps -.-
stupid amin. keep aiming me.
then clement say he hit my "toot" -.-
dont have lorh!
thanks mummeh for blocking me <3 ((:
after that, went toilet. hyper awhile.
then, went SP.
while walking, saw Akansha.
i was acting so retarded.
then, sunddenly saw Benjamin.
OMG )): i acted so stupid in front of him. WAH! )):
then, bus-ed to SP.
went mac to enjoy ice-cream while talking&&gossiping
then, took a video. fucking funny.
we had a crazy moment in MAC'S on 12/04/2010.
hahas :X
k, shall post some pics ((:
Mummeh beat me! pain ;eeks
Mummeh eating strawberry sundae(:
Cecilia eating vanilla ice-cream cone(:
Akansha too ps :X
she is half way peeling out the macdonald paper when i took this photo.
lmao :3
chloe (:
nuer. messaging instead of eating her ice-cream.
ahgirl uhs. i tell you arhs.
you this month bill burst uhs.
im gonna confiscate your phone
hahas :X
me -.- i see liao keep laughing XD
mummeh's half vomited blood and some of her period.
lol! very disgusting :X
mummeh unglam pic.
lmao! :3
im gonna be killed ><
Chloe and akansha((:
kk, shall end here :D
btw, nuer darling cheer up ^^ <3
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