finally have time use lo.
monday, blahblah.
tuesday, blahblah.
omg :X i forget what happen le-.-
monday went sunplaza with mummeh, baby, babe, steady and who? sorry if i forgotten ><
then camwhore outside 7-eleven.
tuesday, band.
today, english lesson. done some worksheets.
then geography. mrs aw yong cannot come. so no teacher. around 9.20 a.m one teacher come in. before that, ya shuai was caught by mr james for using handphone in class-.-
then, recess. went toilet first.
then, ate nuggets. laughs :X
after that chinese lesson.
went com lab.
then me and mummeh go blogger marhs.
then ma lao shi saw liaos.
never say anything.
then after a few more times then she shout : Chua Shi Ling! then nagnagnag.
sibei ps lorhs :3
then after that mummeh tio catch.
then ma lao shi say: ni men liang ge zai gei wo kan dao ni men zai zuo bie de shi qing, jiu gei wo chu qu.
lmao lorhs XD
after chinese, science, do corrections, checked marks. blahblah.
corrections at first amin write on the board.
after that i take over him.
so fun lorhs (:
but very hard to control :X
paper is much easier to write on.
then i write like keep "dropping" down. from top write to down. then some small some big. wonder how teachers control...
baby, thanks for helping me write my corrections, including jasni and amin(who only help me write one. ROFL)
after science, maths.
do exercises of algebra.
i hate that!
then, cme. sian lorhs.
that ms amelia =.="
so bhb.
worse than me lorhs -'-
say what she most prettiest in the world.
auntie, i drinking water ok?!
dont make me choke larhs. =.=
then when she said that everybody fake cough.
hahas XD
after school, went toilet.
then, waitedd for mummeh.
that mrs james-.-
wth sia. dont wan return.
keep saying waitwaitwait.
lucky mummeh took back lerhs.
we very pekchek wait so long. then very hot, cab-bed to SSC.
awhile later, mummeh cab-bed back school.
then we ate Subway.
ate finish le, took video.
"Subway, eat fresh." ROFLMAO :X
then, went giant.
baby and babe bought FBT.
i bought gobstoppers ((:
then, go walkwalk.
after that, went arcade.
find baby's baby and jovan(baby's brother)
jovan sibei cute larhs pls! ><
then go daiso.
after that, went splashpark?
steady, yifang and chloe went home.
me, babe and baby went to play.
then, camwhore.
we lie on the green patch there take pics.
there got ant sia.
i hear babe say got ant faster jump up.
my skirt got 2 lehs ):
omg. so scary D:
after that, happen lots of things.
i lazy say.
very funny larhs!
then, went home.
tio nag-ged.
friday cannot go other place le-.-
must go home straight away )):
saturday need go back school.
sian larhs!
k, lets see some pics ^^ :
At splashpark:
Me and Baby :X
sibei clear right?
like we are in heaven~
Baby pics:
In the toilet:
baby toilet (:
daddy toilet. LMAO -.-
both chio bu <3
excluding me.
see baby's sweet face and my buey song look. lmao :X
after using the toilet, what must you do??
correct, must wash hand! (i sound like a retard -.-)
baby's hand. lols.
i wan take le her hand come in.
and she's like playing.
after washing hand, this is what she do...
she dry her hand larhs!
and she was like repeating that for more than 3 times.
siao le, lol :X
today got back library card(:
i done a new one again -.-
and, i finally received.
after waiting PATIENTLY for more than 4 weeks?
my mail:
this is much clearer (:
after many tries...
this is the best shot. lol.
my hand is shaking marhs :X
front of card.
back of card.
k, shall end here.
tag me yeah? (:
bbye. TOODLES~
btw, i hate copycats -'-
will post CA1 result the next time i post.
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