bus-ed to school in the morning.
saw charmaine (:
then, chatted.
she told me something that shocked me.
Damn Mummeh! no tell me you got stead! :/
nehmind. i still know :P
then, reached, saw cecilia and gecelia.
behind them is ezekiel and syah.
lol :X
then, went to buy drink.
as you know, im a GUAI KIA (:
(dont puke, thank you :3)
bought mineral bottle and mentos.
they bought sweetdrinks lehs! hahahahas.
then, walked to school.
lol -.-
then we walk. heck her.
saw two dogs.
then say something, we keep laugh.
just nice saw one jogger. LMAOS :X
after that, waited in school~~
ma lao shi haven come.
so dp :X (JKJK)
while waiting, saw mdm sal (:
ma lao shi reached, alot people complain.
but she reach its like just nice 7.30 -.-
then went up bus.
sit at the back.
cam-whore~ (:
when reached, teacher played with us -.-
we go up she tell us go down.
then we go up again.
went hall.
saw wanyi, mun en and a few other primary school schoolmates.
shocked dao wo ><
then, principle talk.
the chinese is like wtf? -.-
sibei lousy.
then face changer thing =.="
lame larhs.
then go canteen eat breakfast.
not fair.
they have one sandwich, currypuff and springroll.
but i dont have springroll lehs! ):
lols :X
then, ate.
went classroom.
did the name craving first.
damn hard lorhs -.-
then, eat lunch.
after that, learnt to cut some figures and the word "chun". easiest of all (:
next, is the mask thing.
mood do.
anyhow do.
very ugly :X
but who cares?
then, went toilet.
missed out a few parts though ><
then, went home.
chat with mummeh.
super funny.
we keep laughing -.-
went admiralty.
meet my new daddy!
he like so shy -.-
after that, wanted to cab .
me and cecilia get into the cab, then samuel daddyeh dunno say what -.-
end up me and cecilia take cab on our own -.-
went chongpang buy thing.
saw jia hao.
lol (:
then, went home.
on the way, saw some guys -.-
they keep staring larhs. dunno why? =.="
sibei childish larhs.
ignored them.
watched prince of tennis.
now got flu )):
&& band timing changed to 1-4p.m.
cannot go out with charmaine, cecilia, denise, akansha )):
sadsadsad! D:
shall end here.
rest early ><
its just a lie.
i wan go watch Prince of Tennis lerhs (:
so cute lorhs ><
before that, see some pictures ^^
stupid face >< took in the toilet.
their toilet quite spacious.
good (:
lols. my "master piece".
i know it sucks :3
left mine, right mummeh's.
seriously did not take out the springroll myself.
is they no give )):
unfair right? :X just jk(:
im not petty. hahahhahash! -.-
our legs ><
from right to left: Charmaine, Gecelia, Me, Chloe and Cecilia ((:
shall end here.
will post more pictures the next time (:
LOVES, tata~ ^^
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