Friday, September 3, 2010

2nd Post.
More pics.
Taken on 2ndSep (:
Ms fudge not teaching anymore. So, just some memories with her :D
DrumRolls :b

LOL. (:

Unglams ._.

ClassGirls (:

Five-somes :D <3

I too kan-chiong -.-


I like this one :D
Bi, me & Ms Fudgieeeeeeeee (:

Uhoh. Unglam.
& MrPie's extra hand /:

Amin & Adrain's priceless face :b

1E2 Girls (:
& Syah's extra head sticking outside /:

HappyFamily :b

Cute aye? x:

LOL. unglam O:

Heh. HottieDearBi to the rescue (: <3

L.O.V.E (:

Epic face x:
And HottieDearBi could not be spotted :b

K, thats all.
See more on facebook (:
Toodles c:

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