Saturday, April 18, 2009

Maria's Eye Candy - Taylor Kitsch

Two weeks ago, I started my Eye Candy Section up again with my current obsession, Rob Pattinson.

This time I am bringing to you hot pics of Taylor Kitsch. Don't know who he is...who cares...
Take a look at this.....

Not much of a bio but Taylor is staring with Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynold and Liev Schrieber in X-Men Origins Wolverine. Hot! Hughm Ryan and Taylor in the same movie? That's a lot of hot men ladies. Want to make your man happy...ask him if he wants to see X-Men Origins-Wolverine instead of some chick flick. It's a total guy movie with tons of action but loads of bare chest and Hugh's naked backside to keep you happy too!

Teen Choice 2007 (Appearing) 2007 TV Show Series
Friday Night Lights (Actor - Tim Riggins) 2006 TV Show Series
John Tucker Must Die (Actor - Justin) 2006 Movie
Snakes On A Plane (Actor - Kyle) 2006 Movie
The Covenant (Actor - Pogue Parry) 2006 Movie

What I know about Taylor: He's Canadian.

He was born in 1981 which makes him what 28?

His IMb bio says - Taylor is still a very humble guy and claims that he'd prefer to skip the whole tabloid craze. During his free time, he enjoys doing charity work and listening to music, especially those in the country genre. With all the success and a humble attitude, we're pretty sure that Taylor is going to be one of the 'Must Watch' stars for the coming years.

Whatever, he's hot and that is what this section is all about. Hot, eye candy.

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