WEE :) .
Its May ! 14 more days to 14yearsold . x:
I knw this looks retarded . But i love and wan cheekbones & jawline . So chio la .
If only my face less chubbier . D: And also more white x:
But macham ghost . d:
Yes, AngelinaJolie .
Pretty max .
Even her hair also so chio (y) .
This was her look in Salt :)
K, shall end here .
Bye, and visit more often . :)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Electric Frog Festival Glasgow: Pics
Managed to get some pics of the leckie frog even tho it was mega busy I still managed to get a few here and there.
Overall I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in this event as a whole I was expecting something more for my £27 think I had high expectations cause it was my first time going.
There was only 2 main areas and 2 main bars not 7 as advertised and the having to queue every time you went downstairs and wanted to go back up drove me around the bend....and the food that was on offer was just ridiculous disgusting soggy crusty chips with a ton of salt...erm no thanks.
The overall music just wasn't up to standard either I was expecting some proper disco what with it being Thunder Disco Club and Melting on offer in the main warehouse building instead we got remixes that just seemed to go on forever (not impressed).sort it out guys!!!
Only plus point was the token system for your drinks which allowed you to get any drink for one token regardless of what you wanted but that was really the only good point tho needless to say I don't think I will be returning next year I have been to better parties in Kelvingrove Park for free.
Bring on The West End Festival!!!
Madame G of Baroque Boudoir
Loved this girls outfit she had red heels on too.
Overall I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in this event as a whole I was expecting something more for my £27 think I had high expectations cause it was my first time going.
There was only 2 main areas and 2 main bars not 7 as advertised and the having to queue every time you went downstairs and wanted to go back up drove me around the bend....and the food that was on offer was just ridiculous disgusting soggy crusty chips with a ton of salt...erm no thanks.
The overall music just wasn't up to standard either I was expecting some proper disco what with it being Thunder Disco Club and Melting on offer in the main warehouse building instead we got remixes that just seemed to go on forever (not impressed).sort it out guys!!!
Only plus point was the token system for your drinks which allowed you to get any drink for one token regardless of what you wanted but that was really the only good point tho needless to say I don't think I will be returning next year I have been to better parties in Kelvingrove Park for free.
Bring on The West End Festival!!!
WEE . hi people :)
Today was boring .
So used cameriod.com and camwhored a bit .
I look ugly, and my hair damn cui . Dont laugh .
Irritated by the elections thing . Everywhere i go, i see those boards thing.
Then they have this lorry that have the flags and go around . Zz .
K la, watched PrincessDiaries on channel 5 today o:
If only i'm a princess, hee x:
Majestic castle .
Pretty dress .
And also, beautiful tiara .
Swee hor . :)
Okok. no more day-dreaming .
Exams are coming . But i haven even start on any subjects . Diedie .
Shall start tmr . MUST, NEED, WANT .
Jiayou t.t I shall go and sleep now.
Bye, c:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
NU Music Fridays: Electric Frog Vids
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Spartacus: Gods of the Arena –the verdict on the finale by Phelim O'Neil
This article gives overview after Andy's time off. I hope the show is doing well since Andy's portrayal of Spartacus made it what it is today. Some might disagree. I personally can't watch the show without Andy. I might sound like a prude or someone that is standing loyal by Andy's side...well, I just might be. I posted this article link for those who are interested in a writer's point of view in how the new episodes ranked.
There is another story about one of the cast, Manu Bennett, that tells of their personal battles before filming Spartacus; Blood and Sand. I thought it heartfelt, sincere and very inspirational.
Stay strong Andy's and keep that fighting spirit. Again, we're rooting for you!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Wee .
exams are round the corner .
Have been staying back and hanging at mac to study .
But everytime no study one -.- .
Time to focus liao, jiayou everyone .
Anyway idk why i seemed hooked up with the song "What are words" .
I love the lyrics (y) .
Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most
What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone
And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most
What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone
Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most
I'm forever keeping my angel close
Sho sweet :).
Today english was super boring .
And mummeh, papa and me purposely laugh . then chia gave us that glare -.-
Seriously hate her class la .
K, shall end here and post again soon ?
Chinese oral tmr, hwaiting .
Monday, April 25, 2011
leckie frog pics/vids
pics and video from the leckie frog will be added soon folks.I'm still recovering...
Friday, April 22, 2011
Electric Frog: neck aa luss
As I am going to the Electric Frog Festival tomorrow I decided to make a wee necklace made out of key rings bought from Papyrus bonus being that they light up and have sound effects goes with the whole Electric Frog theme don't you think?
Although I still haven't fully decided what I'm wearing yet not sure on shorts really depends on the weather and how cold it will be at night as not all of it is inside the warehouse building itself...
But I think I might just take my new charcoal grey hoodie from H&M and wear it with my light grey and white stripey tshirt also from H&M a good wee combo I think no one else is going to have that necklace are they?
I have never been to the Electric Frog music festival before but I have always intended to but somehow never got round to it and this year was turning out pretty the same until the last minute when I decided to get my ticket and just go hopefully tho it should be a good day weather wise as well as music wise with Thunder Disco, Melting Pot as well as loads of other good club nights and Dj's that I can't remember right now.
I will add pics and vids tho so don't worry.....ciao for now...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Bleached Denim Waistcoat.
Decided to attack my denim waistcoat with some bleach but well it hasn't really turned out that well don't know if it was the bleach I used but it has gone a horrible yellow colour I also forgot how easily bleach spreads and how quickly but at least I tried it and know what to do next time.....
Need to get some proper bleach for lighting dark denim anyone got any ideas?
The picture makes it look almost white but trust me it's Yellow a mustard Yellow....and doesn't look good
I might just buy some white paint and paint over it or some white dye...lol
I over bleached it that was the problem as I have just washed it and it looks ok but I shouldn't have added so much bleach to it as it has worn out some of the denim ....but I'm glad I tried it and now I know how to do it properly.
Need to get some proper bleach for lighting dark denim anyone got any ideas?
The picture makes it look almost white but trust me it's Yellow a mustard Yellow....and doesn't look good
I might just buy some white paint and paint over it or some white dye...lol
I over bleached it that was the problem as I have just washed it and it looks ok but I shouldn't have added so much bleach to it as it has worn out some of the denim ....but I'm glad I tried it and now I know how to do it properly.
Thunder Disco Club:Red Light Theroy
DJ Billy Woods: Supermax/Future Boy oh and me...lol
Although the music was great and I got the chance to have a chat with DJ Billy Woods regarding our interview it just wasn't that busy so we ended up leaving early.
A shame really as the music was really good but if there are not many people there then isn't much point is there?
Denim Shirt: River Island (Customised), Chain: Primark, T shirt: Urban Outfitters, Bracelet/Cuff: H&M
So we ended up going back to speakeasy for a few I even persuaded my mate to venture upstairs to FHQ "Lets see what it's like" well we didn't stay long as the music wasn't to our taste and we was a little scared by some butch looking lesbians and the conga line that formed helped us make a swift exit from to be honest a nice looking venue. I just don't get the layout of Speakeasy/FHQ it doesn't work in my opinion but that's G1 for you.
Top: Topman, Belt worn as Necklace: H&M, Bangles: H&M, Earring: Osiris
Lisa Ringrose: Fashion Stylist/Supermax Promoter
White Denim Jacket: H&M, Leggings: Ebay, Ring: H&M
Spartacus: Gods of the Arena: To fight another day
Loved off and on screen!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
NuMusic: Digitalism - 2 Hearts
Brand new song from Digitalism called 2 Hearts from there new Album I Love You Dude similar in style to Daft Punk and LCD Soundsystem with the cold vocals of a Kraftwerk song.
Digitalism - 2 Hearts
NuMusic: RuPaul Glamazon Album
Don't be jeal of my boogie!
I have one thing to say....This album cover is FIERCE and a damn site better than that God Awful Gaga one don't you agree? RuPaul returns with a brand spanking new album due to be released on April 26th produced by Lucian Paine who worked on Ru's previous album Champion which included absolute classics like "Don't be Jealous of my Boogie", "Tranny Chaser" and "CoverGirl (put the bass in your walk)"
So we can pretty much expect to hear much the same with this new offering but done in a style only RuPaul can which is no bad thing and no doubt will feature highly on the next series of drag race and not in your local Gay club which I really don't understand but I won't go there as I will be here a while!!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Urban Style: Concrete USB sticks
You can't get more urban or more stylish than this made from real concrete inspired by architecture and available in a range of colours designed by Kix Berlin and available in 1GB and 4GB from ausberlin
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Urban Style: Jean Paul Gaultier
Nautical stripes from Jean Paul Gaultier you might say "oh nothing new" there but it's the way he designs it that makes it unique this time he has decided to add his signature stripe to an absolutely gorgeous double breasted jacket and trousers.
I'm not 100% percent convinced on the styling tho the long black shirt hanging out from under the jacket just doesn't look right but then again who say's you need to wear it like that.
Wearing it as a suit might be a bit much but it does look good tho if you look like the model that is.
it's something we are going to be seeing more and more this summer as the nautical theme continues.
Urban Style: Bottega Veneta: Croc Vest S/S '11
Crocodile Skin vest
If you fancy remortgaging your house then this bad boy is for you from Bottega Veneta's Spring Summer Collection luxury doesn't come cheap and neither does genuine Crocodile skin it seems with a hefty $62.000 price tag that works out at around £38.000. (ouch) but no doubt Primark will have one in very similar soon enough or Topshop rest assured it wont be long before you see it filtering down to a high street near you.
If you fancy remortgaging your house then this bad boy is for you from Bottega Veneta's Spring Summer Collection luxury doesn't come cheap and neither does genuine Crocodile skin it seems with a hefty $62.000 price tag that works out at around £38.000. (ouch) but no doubt Primark will have one in very similar soon enough or Topshop rest assured it wont be long before you see it filtering down to a high street near you.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tom Ford Neroli Portofino Ad Campaign

Have to admit tho it does make me want to know what it smells like looks very light and fresh a perfect summer fragrance perhaps?
Justin Bieber, Arcade Fire, The Old Spice Response Campaign, Bed
Intruder Song, Groupon, Angry Birds, SoundCloud, and Flipboard Vie for
Internet's Top Honors
New York, NY (April 12, 2011) -- The year's biggest pop culture and Internet sensations -- from Angry Birds, Groupon, the Old Spice Guy,and Justin Bieber to Arcade Fire, The Bed Intruder Song, SoundCloud, and Flipboard -- are among the nominees announced today for The 15th Annual Webby Awards.
The high-caliber and diverse scope of the nominees reflects how the Internet has become the driving force shaping everything from entertainment to business. Now in its 15th year, The Webby Awards is the world's leading honors recognizing achievement in Websites, online film and video, mobile web, and interactive advertising.
In addition to Academy judges like Martha Stewart, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, and Arianna Huffington selecting Webby Awards winners,starting today millions of people around the world will also help decide who takes home a Webby by voting in The Webby People's Voice Awards presented by Aol. The public has until April 28th to vote at http://webby.aol.com.
Winners will be announced on May 3rd and honored at a star-studded ceremony in New York City on June 13th, where they will deliver five-word speeches in the tradition of past victors like Al Gore ("Please don't recount this vote.") and Jimmy Fallon ("Thank God Conan got promoted"). The ceremony will be broadcast live online; viewers at home will have not just a front row seat, but the ability to participate and shape the show as it unfolds.
Many of this year's nominees represent the sweeping impact of mobile and tablet devices on both culture and commerce, from gaming (Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja) to social networking (foursquare and Flipboard)to entertainment (SoundCloud) and community (Twitter).
Projects featuring a dizzying array of actors, comedians, and musicians, as well as newly minted Web stars, also earned Webby nods.
Nominees range from superstars like Justin Bieber ("Justin Bieber Takes Over Funny or Die"), Lisa Kudrow and Meryl Streep ("Web Therapy"), and Jim Carrey (Funny or Die's "Presidential Reunion") to Internet breakouts like Antoine Dodson and Auto-tune the News (The Bed Intruder Song) and Isaiah Mustafa (Old Spice Response Campaign) to indie favorites like OK Go for "This Too Shall Pass" and Arcade Fire for "The Wilderness Downtown," its groundbreaking interactive music
Nominees earning multiple nominations include:
NYTimes.com (18), Funny or Die (10), Google Creative Lab (8), The Guardian (6), BBC (6), CNN (6), NPR (5), MLBAM (5), and TED (5).
"If you want to check the pulse of popular culture, look no further than this year's Webby Awards nominees," said David-Michel Davies, executive director of The Webby Awards. "Over the past year, the nominees have dominated conversation, entertained us, changed how we work and play, and fueled our imaginations."
PricewaterhouseCoopers provides vote tabulation consulting for The Webby Awards.
A list of nominees in popular categories follows:
BestViral Video
Rated Awesome - The Twitter Movie Trailer
Bed Intruder Song (Auto-tune the News Remix)
The Sandpit
The Digital Story of the Nativity
Aides Graffiti
Best Individual Performance
Jim Carrey for Funny Or Die's Presidential Reunion
Isabella Rossellini for Green Porno
Lisa Kudrow for Web Therapy
Cheri Oteri for Liza Life Coach (AMCtv.com)
Ralph Macchio for Wax on F*ck Off (Funny or Die)
Comedy: Individual Short or Episode
Grammar Nazis by CollegeHumor.com
Justin Bieber Takes Over Funny Or Die
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Steve Carell
Onion News Network's "Police Slog Through 40,000 Insipid Party Pics To
Find Cause Of Dorm Fire"
Kenny Powers Gets Signed by K-Swiss
Comedy: Long Form or Series
Funny Or Die's Presidential Reunion
Web Therapy
30 Rock: Frank vs. Lutz
The Office: The 3rd Floor Webseries
The Muppets Kitchen with Cat Cora
Best Video Remixes/Mashups
"Press Hop 2" by DJ Steve Porter & SportsNation
Girls Are Bad At Sound Effects
The Office Fanisode
CNN Walk Around the World
KT Tunstall "Glamour Puss" KollaboraTive Music Video
Best Viral Marketing
OK Go "This Too Shall Pass"
Old Spice Response Campaign
Mad Men Yourself
True Blood Live Feed
Google Translate for Animals
Best Music
Arcade Fire- The Wilderness Downtown
The Johnny Cash Project
Thomas Dolby - 'The Toadlickers'
SOUR 'Mirror'
The Sandpit
Best Web Personality
Rahab Elewaly for Making Movement
David Pogue
Justine Ezarik for iJustine
Zach Galifianakis for Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis
Clara Cannucciari for Great Depression Cooking with Clara
Best Drama
Out With Dad
Anyone But Me
"Urban Wolf" an original web series thriller from Crackle.com
Diary of a Single Mom
Eastenders E20
Best Weird
The Daily What
Awkward Family Photos
What the Fuck Should I Make for Dinner?
Most Awesomest Thing Ever
Best Humor
Funny Or Die
The Onion
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
Comedy Central.com
Best Community
COLOURlovers :: Color + Design Community
Cuteness.com Pet Community
Best Practices
Best Retail
Nike Golf
Best Celebrity/Fan
U2 Official Website
Jay-Z Hits Collection Vol. 1
Team Coco
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Official Website
Best Mobile Games (Handheld Devices)
Angry Birds
Fruit Ninja
FarmVille on iPhone
Grover's Number Special
AMCtv.com -- Mad Men Cocktail Culture App
Best Mobile Social Networking (Handheld Devices)
Chase QuickPay on Mobile Browser
Nike+ GPS
Android TweetDeck
Best Mobile Music (Handheld Devices)
Pandora App
SoundHound, Inc.
Music in the Cloud for iPhone and Android
VEVO Mobile
Best Social (Tablet Devices)
HootSuite Mobile Social Media Dashboard
Match.com for iPad
Copia for iPad
About The Webby Awards:
Hailed as the "Internet's highest honor" by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, interactive advertising, online film and video, and mobile websites. Established in 1996, the 14th Annual Webby Awards received nearly 10,000 entries from all 50 states and over 60 countries worldwide. The Webby Awards is presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. Sponsors and Partners of The Webby Awards include: Microsoft Expression; AOL; YouTube; Pepsi; Aquent; Yahoo!; HP; Sony Electronics; .CO; Corbis Images; Rackspace Hosting; Motorola; Southwest Airlines; East Media; IDG; PricewaterhouseCoopers; 2advanced.Net; Museum of the Moving Image; Behance; Business Insider; Time Out New York; paid Content and The Guardian.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Gagavision N0:42
For the hardcore Gaga fans out there dying to know whats going with the highly anticipated new album "Born This way" the star has started her very own video blog called GagaVision with updates on her progress from initial ideas to sneak peaks and soundbites just to create even more hype surrounding the release.
I think it's a good thing tho as we don't really have shows like Top of the Pops anymore for singers to promote themselves so they have to use any other means possible.I have only included the most recent one but if you want to see them all then I suggest you go onto Youtube.
This shows the growing trend and importance of Blogging and how powerful it has become in getting ones message out there.
I think it's a good thing tho as we don't really have shows like Top of the Pops anymore for singers to promote themselves so they have to use any other means possible.I have only included the most recent one but if you want to see them all then I suggest you go onto Youtube.
This shows the growing trend and importance of Blogging and how powerful it has become in getting ones message out there.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
imma here to post .
Syf over . We got a COP . disappointed much .
but still, its not the end of the world .
Camp ended too .
Suck ttm ._.
We went there on the 2ndday, due to SYF .
food sucks .
sleeping on floor sucks .
bathing area sucks .
this is the worst camp la seriously, tsk .
even the camp tee sucks .
yesterday, went to have lunch @ mos . (With Akansha & Gecelia)
rush there after reaching school .

me and akan had this burger .
Suck ttm man x.x
Then Mummeh went home .
We go mac slack .
About 4+, played T/D with J, Tw, T & Zx .
@Bi :
Sorry uh, did'nt mean it .<3
Then, went home bout 6+ .
E-learning today, but idk what to do -.-
K, shall go ask people now .
Byebye .
imma here to post .
Syf over . We got a COP . disappointed much .
but still, its not the end of the world .
Camp ended too .
Suck ttm ._.
We went there on the 2ndday, due to SYF .
food sucks .
sleeping on floor sucks .
bathing area sucks .
this is the worst camp la seriously, tsk .
even the camp tee sucks .
yesterday, went to have lunch @ mos . (With Akansha & Gecelia)
rush there after reaching school .

me and akan had this burger .
Suck ttm man x.x
Then Mummeh went home .
We go mac slack .
About 4+, played T/D with J, Tw, T & Zx .
@Bi :
Sorry uh, did'nt mean it .<3
Then, went home bout 6+ .
E-learning today, but idk what to do -.-
K, shall go ask people now .
Byebye .
Perez Hilton Steals my Mugler look.....
Need to get the picture of this from my m8 Paul cause I look pretty good even if I do say so myself
I have army Green skinny carrot chino's on a black t-shirt with a white face on it but it's like an African mask if that makes sense and I have a navy blazer sleeves rolled up I know I'm not making this sound good but trust me it does anyway back to the Mugler I have my tube scarf which is dark grey mesh wool pulled up over my head and I'm striking a pose looking fierce with my little customised bum bag that I got from Urban Outfitters which is actually a women's clutch bag but I adjusted the strap and wore it around my waist it looks good honest.
I recently went onto Perez Hilton's blog cause there was a piece about Louboutin suing YSL over the red soles of his shoes.
When I noticed a picture of Perez looking very similar I was not happy I mean who wants to dress like that Muppet?
Mind you I must admit I was a little drunk when the pic was taken whereas he wasn't...I will get the pic and add it very soon and you can tel me who looks better.....(me of course)
Monday, April 11, 2011
No Doubt Releasing new album
“We’re trying to enjoy the moment of writing and…it’s just a really fun process and I think it’s going to be out this year,” she added. “It’s generally a really happy album…the main thing we were trying to do is write really catchy good songs…we got about 10 songs done and we want to do a few more just in case, but it’s a really good record, I really love this record.”
Say's a very excited Gwen Stefani to Ryan Seacrest on his radio show recently.
I'm also very excited about this as we haven't had any new material from No Doubt in about 10 years not since the Rock Steady album and tragic Kingdom before that.
It's also great to see a band like this get together and put out some great music cause I am getting a little tired of the manufactured crap that is being churned out right now from Britney, Gaga and the likes we need some originality...........Unlike this complete and utter SHITE!! Below...
I mean seriously WTF??? Why don't they just admit the real reason this collaloration has came about and why it has been rushed through so quickly? wouldn't have anything to do with the fact David LaChapelle is suing your ass Rihanna over copyright for the video to S&M hmmmmmm cause we all know there will have to be a new video made to feature both Britney and Rihanna.. do we really care tho?
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